Poll: Sauce - In The Fridge Or Out?

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Sauce. In the fridge, or out?

  • In.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Out.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sauce?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
A little respect for your elders wouldn't go astray?

Have a gander at this. http://myfrenchkitchen.wordpress.com/2008/...from-amsterdam/

Don't knock it till you try it.

"2. Peel some big potatoes and dry thoroughly11/2 -2 potatoes per person is plenty!"

is this ((11/2)-2) = 3.5 potatos per person or

((11 to 12)-2) = 9 or 10 potatoes?

Them euro's people are pretty strict about potato count policy. I bet they keep their sauce in the fridge <_<
Fridge mo fo's ... A night of chucking is no fun when dodgy sauce is to blame.... ;-) if it's beer then it's a cool
i even store my tomato relish and pickles in the fridge..home made Worcestershire fridge also

Home made Woost sauce... any chance of a recipe?

Edit - Fridge for me... the missus makes me.
In the interests of workplace harmony, I allways supply the boys with condiments such as sauces, mustards and pickles as well as coffee, sugar, milk ect.
For reasons of personal preference or lazyness, they choose to leave said condiments on the table where they get exposed to direct sunlight for at least 2 hours a day. I have yet to witness any of them die or suffer explosive diarrhea due to food poisioning.
The key to ensuring your products longevity in a harsh enviroment is to make sure it contains more sugar, salt, corn syrup, vinegar and presertives than the actual fruit / vegetable on the label.
Bbq & tomato sauce bottles in the sun, all day long
1 million charity sausage sizzles can't be wrong.
I don't care for tomato sauce, whether it's been stored in the fridge or not. I like to taste my food.
Now, on the other hand, mayo on chips is the go, a very Dutch thing to do.

You're a sick f**kin' man warra

I always put mayo on chips. The original Dutch / Belgian stuff is "fritesaus" but in the Uk so many poms have returned off holiday to demand the stuff, that "chip sauce" was born, not available in Aus. I mean let's face it what is Tartare sauce but a pimped up mayo with gherkins etc minced into it.

Yesterday I had a BBQ for son's birthday etc. Wide spread of food and this morning I realised I had completely failed to put out the Tomato Sauce, HP Sauce, Chili sauce etc and nobody even missed it :blink:
Mind, a lot of the food was saucy anyway like the Tandoori griddled chicken and the potato salad.

Hey Warra, haven't been to the low countries since I was in my 20s but do you remember you would go to a chip shop (one in every village) and you would get your chips in a big paper cone with a huge spurge of mayo on the top, then by the time you had dug down through the mayo to get to the perfectly crisply cooked chips and eventually reached the end of the cone, your face and hands would be swimming with mayo...... :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: Sorry gotta go and change my pants.............
Hey Warra, haven't been to the low countries since I was in my 20s but do you remember you would go to a chip shop (one in every village) and you would get your chips in a big paper cone with a huge spurge of mayo on the top, then by the time you had dug down through the mayo to get to the perfectly crisply cooked chips and eventually reached the end of the cone, your face and hands would be swimming with mayo...... :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: Sorry gotta go and change my pants.............

Yup, I remember, yummy.
Another thing I recall are veal croquettes, another take away specialty.
And loempias, large Indonesian style springrolls, with sambal oelek (hot chilli paste).
And fresh Groene Haring (fresh herrings fillets with chopped fresh onions).

I'm licking my chops as I type, and wiping up the salivating dribble.

Mrs warra and I need to do another trip to Holland, it's been 10 years since the last one, we're overdue.
My missus and I were talking about this just on Sunday. My sauce was in the fridge. She wants it in the cupboard. I didnt care whether it was in the fridge or cupboard - I'm not fussed if its not in the fridge - but she definately did NOT want it in the fridge.

So the argument was noth whether the sauce needed to be IN the fridge, it was whether it needed to be OUT of the fridge.

needless to say - no one won.
Tomato sauce goes in the pantry.

"Ah, tomato sauce - makes good food taste better... makes bad food taste like tomato sauce."
-- Wife's cousin (big sauce fan).

Leaving it in the cupboard or on the bench brings the roaches (not ants though, strange considering the amount of sugar in commercial sauces)
You're a sick f**kin' man warra

I lived on that stuff in Amsterdam, chips and mayo in a cone! I tried it over here its just not the same. Though Little Creatures does a great job with fries and garlic aioli.

I put my sauces in the cupboard...
At work we have it both places...
At home always the cupboard.

Mayo on chips. Mayo on fried flake. Mayo on fried dimmies and chicko rolls.
I never had sauce on chips till i was about 12 - i fricken hate it, always grew up with chips and mayo. I also hate that hardly anywhere offers mayo for your hot chips.

Hot chips on buttered bread with mayo =YUM!
you're probably better off religiously removing the crusties from the opening of the bottle rather than storing in the fridge if you're concerned about health.
Having just tried mayo on chips today, I'm kind of gutted not knowing about it earlier, I think those belgians/dutch are onto something there.

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