Plumbing Advice

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Any advice to do with setting up plumbing for the brewery using 2 or 3 march pumps appreciated.

Any advice to do with setting up plumbing for the brewery using 2 or 3 march pumps appreciated.


Was a thread the other day, how many ball valves or something, which had a few diagrams that may be helpful for you.
Try a search.

Looks like you have it pretty well sorted.
By the looks of things you are looking to soft plumb with flexible pipe not hard tubing , is that correct?
Stainless steel camlocks make moving the hose easier than hosetails.
Looks nice, do you brew inside?
farkin hell, that's a sweet looking setup. Wish I had a proper brewstand.
Looks like you have it pretty well sorted.
By the looks of things you are looking to soft plumb with flexible pipe not hard tubing , is that correct?
Stainless steel camlocks make moving the hose easier than hosetails.
Looks nice, do you brew inside?

Dont brew inside - until i have plumbing sorted lol. BTW i use Grain&Grape stainless QD's on all valves. But am looking at a 3 pump setup for my brewing. I will use soft hoses for plumbing.
Nice, with 3 pumps you will not need to disconnect much during the brew.
Are you fly sparging?
You can put the water in from the bottom for dough in.
this was the planned valve setup to go into the mash tun from the HLT??? but it means filling tun via sparge ring....
very nice set up - what metal did you use for the frame?
very nice set up - what metal did you use for the frame?

galvanised tube for frame, MIG welded, lockable rubber castor wheels, where the brew vessels sit it is recessed to prevent movement and ncrease stability
The presence of garden hose is worrying. Please tell me you're not filling your HLT from the garden hose?
Have a look over my stuff here:

My plumbing works beautifully, the only connection I have to make is the switch from recirculation to connection to the kettle. If you follow something similar to my plans you can prime all your lines while expelling air and use water from you HLT to do all the priming etc. I prime at the start of the brew with HLT water and get all lines full before grain ever hits the system. That way you aren't trying to push air out of the lines when there is grain in the tun and I never los prime during the brew. If there is a problem I can back flush all lines from the HLT to reprime anything. Works great. One thing is cut down on the number of ball values you use, no point having ball valves on both ends of a hose and the more ball valves and the more complex the plumbing the more mistakes you will make.

Hope it helps and have fun.
Cheers, Justin

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