Plastic Beer Taps

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'Draught' is not a beer style - it's a lifestyle
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Melbourne & Southern Riverina
Hi all,

I'm going to put together a portable 3 gal party keg solution, but I want to use a plastic beer tap to help with insulation and possibly reduce foaming.

It's like anything, when you don't want one you see them all the time and when you go looking for them they are nowhere to be found :rolleyes:

So does anyone know where I can get them from (ebay sellers etc)?

Also, any comments, recommendations or warnings about plastic taps?

I'm sure I've seen some that look like the normal chrome pull-top taps.

Hello Wortgames,

Did you mean one of these?

This was under ebay item 6215600781 and seller was token_survivor

Buy it now price $21.99 with 5 available.

edit: no affiliation
I have purchaced kegs from token_survivor before, very good bloke to deal with.
Murray said:
Grain and Grape stock the ones Phil posted.

Check out Grain and Grape site as I believe they have a 20% sale at the moment. I have no idea when it is finished though. Worth checking and compare
against overseas prices

PeterS.... :chug:
Wortgames said:
I'm going to put together a portable 3 gal party keg solution, but I want to use a plastic beer tap to help with insulation and possibly reduce foaming.

So does anyone know where I can get them from (ebay sellers etc)?

Also, any comments, recommendations or warnings about plastic taps?

I'm sure I've seen some that look like the normal chrome pull-top taps.

Are you looking for ones like this?

I got this and some others from the UK a while back, this ones a spare $20 and its yours. Obvious warning it is plastic and not as tough as a metal one!!

They work great for a party keg setup with a 20L white plastic bucket, attach it to the side of the bucket a flow restrictor in series and some rubber pipe insulation over the exposed beer lines, put your 3 gal keg in and fill it with ice stays cool all day.
Thanks guys, no I'm actually after a normal looking tap to mount through a hole in whatever I use. I'm sure I've seen this style of tap in a 'fake chrome' plastic version somewhere:


Although I could be going completely mad.

Other plastic ones look like this:


Ideally I'd like it to look the part but plastic might be more practical for this project.

Any ideas?
Sorry ausdb, didn't see your post.

I'll grab that one off you for sure, I reckon it might be the best way to go. I'll send you a PM.

Still wouldn't mind finding a chromy looking one though if anyone has any ideas? (You can never have too many taps...) :D

:beer: WG
Plenty of those Brumby taps for sale I bet
Oh there metal
I think they have the plastic "chrome" ones on water urns and filters at Bunnings

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