Pitching dry yeast

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G'day all, just a quick one.

Have just got a batch of hefe in the fv. Am using safbrew wb06, and haven't rehydrated it, as it's Friday night and I'm a bit lazy.

HEAPS of bubbles on top after topping up. Is sitting at 22.

Can I just pitch into the bubbles? Or do I need to wait for them to subside?

Had a web search but can't find anything, maybe it's not an issue?

Thanks mate. So sprinkle it on now, wait 30 mins and stir?

I poured the sort from the pot to fv 3 times...still stir the yeast in?
Ok just pitched. So stir in halfa or just put it in the fridge???
Cue DBS and resultant.

... Or vica versa

For my take, what does the manufacturer day abou pitching that strain?
Cue DBS and resultant? Not following on that.

For pitching without rehydrating it just says sprinkle on top
Throw it in.

Stir, don't stir, doesn't matter.

Just throw it in.
