Peter Brock Rip

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Very Sad week. I am a bit dazed.

I must admit I didnt know Colin had died. I have read many of his books

It would be suitably ironic if Colin died at his typewriter.....I hope he did.

:( :( :(

I wonder if that mouth on a stick Germaine Greer will have anything to say about Brocky?

Or did she learn her lesson after Steve? (I doubt it) :angry:

Had it pointed out to me that both Australia and England were better off with her being over there.

(Had something to do with the raising of the collective IQ's of both countries)

Flame suit on. :ph34r:

I can empathise with you mate, I never met the guy but I've been a Bathurst fan since I can remember and Pete won a lot of them in my time.

Vale Peter Brock racing ledgend and king of the Mountain
Vale Steve Urwin champion of all that cannot speak for themselves

a sad Browndog
If bad things come in threes theres one more to go.....

Who will it be? Probably not a politician that would be asking too much!

Guess that makes it Four then, with the passing of Don Chipp on Monday. Not a politician any longer, but a nice bloke who used to be a pollie. Article link.

Dunno if anyone remembers him enough to care, but he started the Australian Democrat party after the other 2 mobs of knobs proved themselves incompetent over and over. Good concept, but too many voters kept backing the same old system, instead of voting for an overhaul. I mourn his passing, as much as the others, due to his ability to inspire the thinking voters.

"Take a good look, as it will be a long time ere you see his like again".

That's few beers for me to damage tonight, not to mention the Knights game now in motion.

Seth (choke, sniff) :(

*edit - Inkompetent quoting
I live just a few k's away from where it happened and was gutted when I heard.

The croc hunter as well.

Certainly us brewers can relate to both mens passion.

shocked me to the core!!
great man Holden hero is no more!!

NO Croc hunter
no Ford hunter

the world is a sadder place!!

Race on will be missed on the starting grid :(
Nearly every day..As i get into my FORD Ute...
I wonder if BROCKY would be interested in my No. Plates....??????????
Maybe he should of drove a ford today he might of been ok then

Lol, now that you have set the precedent, I guess its ok for me to say that IMO Steve Irwin was a complete tool and I’m absolutely dumbfounded by the outpouring of emotion being displayed after his rather fortunate passing.

Oh, and the first words to come from my mouth when hearing about Brocky today? “Peter Brock, now there’s a true Aussie icon!”

RIP Brocky…hope you get the headlines tomorrow and everyone forgets about the other guy...what was his name again?


p.s. All I remember about Colin Thiele was Storm Boy, but don't we all? That story will be with me forever. I didn't really like it, but it was powerful enough to stick...meaning he knew how to write a strong story I suppose :)

*EDIT* - Added "IMO" (in my opinion).
Lol, now that you have set the precedent, I guess its ok for me to say that IMO Steve Irwin was a complete tool and Im absolutely dumbfounded by the outpouring of emotion being displayed after his rather fortunate passing.

His fortunate passing? So your world is better now he is gone? Please tell me how, I'm curious.
I've already had this argument with people I assumed were on the same wavelength as me, so let's not get into why I think what...the IMO was added to avoid it :)

My opinion has been stated and that's it. I'm sure others will voice theirs (likely against mine) and that's fine too :beer:

I'm with you Pz
I must confess I didn't realise Steve Irwin put most of his cash into conservation until after his death. So sure he provoked a few animals and sure he new the risks but he also lived his creed and injected the cash back into what he believed in.

I also liked the Don Chip call, didn't he stop capital gains on the first house? RIP, Don.
Can I report a post coz the sender was a Ford fan? Hope so...

Bring back a car we can afFORD. The model T... Just stirrin'.

I reckon if Brocky was drivin' Fordz, he woulda done hisself in, years ago, or the car woulda done it. Such is the marque. Couldn't stand up to Brocky-drivin'.

Didn't Ford make those laxative pills, years ago, that gave U the sh#tz?

Been pissed off by too many bad Ford driverz lately, and ready to kill!

Seth anti-Ford :p
fingerlikenb,i too thought steve irwin was a tool,until i saw his interview on enough rope with andrew denton.i quickly changed my mind.he gave a stuff which counts in my book!
on abc adelaide radio this arvo they replayed an andrew denton interview with brocky,he was asked about the holden/ford rivalry and then his run with volvo.a typical denton q&a,very interesting and funny.
so this week we have lost talented,conservationist,pollie,author and sportsman
He may have given a stuff and donated lots to worthy causes and you have to give the man credit for that....

....but he's still a tool.

I own the number plates from my 5.3 litre Chev LJ Torana -

* (content deleted by author)

37 Ford is OK by me. it's only the new beasts that ***** me!

P.S onya Spog
Had them for about 15 yrs...Bought a Datsun 1200 for $300.00 with the plates..
Swapped them ..gave him the Datsun back....
Were on a GTR...Moved to QLD....Been in storage...8 back in NSW>>>>.....