Perlick Flow Control Taps - All Foam Wtf?

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OK, there must be something I'm doing wrong. Here's the low-down:

I've got the Keg King kegerator with a 3-tap font. Just the basic ones that you get from KK.
I got sick of having 12 metres of beer line coiled up inside the kegerator, and one of my taps has been pouring with more foam than the other two (all things being equal).
Everyone has been raving about the Perlicks lately, so I took the plunge and ordered 3 from the US.

Got them yesterday. All excited, I pulled off tap 1 (the foamy one), cut the line short to a bit over a metre, flushed it all with line cleaner, rinsed, and hooked it all back up.
Went to pour - ALL FOAM. Much worse than the original. I'm talking a glass full of pure foam.
"OK" I think to myself, "just need to get it set up right, wait for everything to cool down properly, make sure the lines are full of beer, play with the flow control, etc etc."
So I wait for the keg and lines to cool properly, and try again. But try as I might, I cannot get anything but foam out of this tap! Even on the slowest flow rate, no more than a dribble, it's foam.

I know Ross has said that the shanks that come with these kegerators are no good, and so I'm thinking maybe the shank on tap 1 was the problem, not the tap. Could adding a "better" tap exacerbate the problem? I'm fully prepared to replace the shank if I HAVE to - it's a PITA to change but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? HOWEVER I don't want to go through the exercise if it isn't going to solve the problem.

This morning I figured I'd replace tap number 3. This one has been working perfectly with the original tap. I've changed over the tap only, and touched nothing else. Line is still 4 metres.
And you know what? This f'ing thing foams like a bastard now as well.

Documentation / support on the Perlick site is almost non-existent.

Is there a trick to this? I know others have simply plugged these in to the Keg King fonts and shanks, and all is sweet.
I've tried starting the pour with the flow control dialed right back. As I dial it up, it almost sounds as if air is being sucked in to the tap?

CO2 pressure is in the 10-12psi range.
With my flow control taps I replaced my shanks also. I screwed them on with the control rate dialled down then opened them up as I got the right speed. Your flow controller is pointing towards you right?
I hope there is, I'm getting pretty much the same with mine, my shanks are SS though so that rules that out for me. My tower does get warm, still setting up the fan, still very suprised the 545's didn't handle it better, especially after the first glass.... I might add some line today and see how pans out.
With my flow control taps I replaced my shanks also. I screwed them on with the control rate dialled down then opened them up as I got the right speed. Your flow controller is pointing towards you right?
Yep - pointed forward and a bit down for full restriction, lever up for more flow.

Adamski29 said:
Does it keep pouring foam once the faucet is cold?
Yep, keeps pouring foam. I've always had some foam on the first pour as the font is warm, but now it just keeps pouring foam even after the lines & tap have had cold beer running through them.
What's your pouring pressure on the reg?

You might have it way high for the long line for the original taps. The new taps will compensate, to a limit. Try to burp the keg and pour, see what happens. Better still, bring one keg to normal carb range and disconnect all else and connect that to the perlicks and try that.
Had a good chat with Ross and he explained the issues with the original shanks. Looking inside them I can see how the surface is no longer smooth and is quite dark - meaning the beer is bouncing around inside there and getting nice and foamy. So three new shanks ordered.

On top of this, I've found that if I pour maybe a litre of beer (3 schooners wasted!) it does eventually clear up a bit, suggesting that warm taps are also playing a part. 10 minutes later back to foam. Ambient temp is about 25C. I have a fan inside the kegerator so I'll run some hose up to the font.
Looking inside them I can see how the surface is no longer smooth and is quite dark - meaning the beer is bouncing around inside there and getting nice and foamy.
I am assuming you are saying that the inside of the shank has formed some sort of oxide layer and this is acting as a nucleation point which is causing the CO2 to break out, like a headmaster glass ?
I am assuming you are saying that the inside of the shank has formed some sort of oxide layer and this is acting as a nucleation point which is causing the CO2 to break out, like a headmaster glass ?
Your words are better than mine, but yep.
You said you replaced the tap that was pouring foam to start with.... have you tried one of the kegs that has a good pour already instead?
Nev ..i tend to agree the simpler taps work better


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Prove us wrong , unless you serve flat piss. :icon_vomit:

Didn't look like picnic taps you where serving from when I visited your place, perhaps you've down graded.

No I don't serve flat beer here. If you don't know how to set up and balance draft system you should stay with bottling. (or picnic taps)
I setup my flow control perlicks (and new shanks) today and same problem...all foam
It looks like the flow control part of the tap doesnt fit into the shank properly so i can't open the flow completely
Just wondering if there are different shanks for flow adjustable perlicks?
I setup my flow control perlicks (and new shanks) today and same problem...all foam
It looks like the flow control part of the tap doesnt fit into the shank properly so i can't open the flow completely
Just wondering if there are different shanks for flow adjustable perlicks?

If you have all foam why do you want to open your flow control completely?
Close your flow control off, little lever right down.
Open your tap completely and then slowly open your flow control to your level of carbonation. It does not matter a Tinkers Cuss what your shanks are, if you've still got a problem contact whoever you bought them from.

I do just as batz say's when I tap a new keg, perfect pours now and minimal line. I got my shanks along with the Perlicks from MoreBeer so cannot say if that would be a issue or not. Also picnic taps are fantastic for sure, I just like having my taps there, it feels right :super:
Sounds like the op's keg may be overgassed to start with as the foaming is happening with the crap chinese tap and the perlick.
Whats that old saying about a tradesman blaming his tools :lol:


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