Overwhelmed And Its Pi#$$*s Me Off

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OK Turkey-Tickler, if you want to spend time at the stove creating leggo's great, but surely you want for the better

Aha but my best pasta sauce creations usually start with a jar of ALDI passata :p then the additions of garlic, herbs, mushrooms, extra virgin olive oil etc......... as with a kit.
eddy22, if you look at grain and grapes website they have a page on extract brewing including a recipe for a aussie bitter.
brew what you you like to drink and keep records of your brews so you can get closer to the flavour you want :icon_chickcheers:
OK Turkey-Tickler, if you want to spend time at the stove creating leggo's great, but surely you want for the better
I happen to like the Leggos spag. bol. sauce for a quick spaghetti meal. I'd be chuffed if I could make it myself, and proud to boot. I'm also quite happy to make a full on extravaganza sauce, but it won't be for everyone.

Is it really that much less effort to make an extract VB clone than an extract JSAA clone? Slightly less arm work needed to add hops I guess. Besides, the OP requested info on how to make something, not whether or not they should. Sheesh.
I happen to like the Leggos spag. bol. sauce for a quick spaghetti meal...

Blahgghghck! QB I know you have better taste than that!

I make all my spag sauces from scratch with fresh tomatoes, onions and herbs from my veggie patch when I can. So I guess that makes me on par with you QB. A SPAG SNOB! :icon_cheers:

Some mostly good advice here but don't be afraid of starting out very simple. If you start too complex and it doesn't turn out how you want then it makes it harder to know what you need to change for next time. I'd stick to a basic bittering hop edition only (ie POR at 60mins) and if you want more hop flavour, add some for the next brew. The same with steeping grains, start out just dry malt / sugar only and if you'd like more flavour, steep grains for the next batch.

Don't feel bad about not knowing it all upfront, just slowly build on the knowledge you have. Brewing can be like cooking too (since there's already pasta references :p), if you ask 20 chefs what they do to make spag bol you're probably going to end up with 20 different ways of doing it! That's why I found starting simple, understand the basics and then expanding the best approach as I understand more about why I'm adding certain bits to a brew or what affect it has.
Good advice once again. Oright so back to the original question, if im only going to do one hop addition that being POR at 60 minutes. How much water do i boil and how much hops do i use? Is there not some basic rule? Once again im not trying to find a perfect answer, i only want to avoid making piss weak or malt beer?
I plan on using 300g carapils so could someone suggest a good amount of water to steep them in then including that steeped liquid how much more liquid (if needed) and malt would i need to add to get a good hop utilisation.
2L of water at 75C and just leave for 30-45 mins. Strain into the brew pot and then rinse the grain again with some more water (I normally have 1L of water boiled in the kettle and use it for the rinse). You'll probably only end up with 2.5L of liquor in the brew pot after the grain has soaked up some of the water, then add 250g of LDME. If you want to use more water so you have better control over the boil then increase the LDME accordingly. All up to the size of the pot really. With 15mins left add the rest of the LDME and any dextrose.

Just remember 100g of LDME for each 1L of water. My boils are now about 10L.
Hello eddy

I've only been brewing for the last 12 months and progressed to extract and grains a couple of months ago. I've made up two extract and grain recipes using Ianh's excel spread sheet. I must say they were my first two beers I was really happy with and proud of. Ian's spread sheet was a big help in building up the courage to jump from kits and bits to extract and grains.

View attachment Kit___Extract_Beer_Designer_V1.1.xls


For what it's worth, I just made this extract aussie lager and it's a great simple quaffer.

2.5kg malt extract
0.25kg dextrose
25IBU of Cluster (60min + 5min additions)
W34/70 @ 11C for 16 days then bottled
(optional US-05 @ 18C)

It has that aussie flavour (XXXX ish), crisp and clear, not too strong, low effort no secondary or lagering.

Could of added crystal, carapils, etc but wanted to keep it simple.
For what it's worth, I just made this extract aussie lager and it's a great simple quaffer.

2.5kg malt extract
0.25kg dextrose
25IBU of Cluster (60min + 5min additions)
W34/70 @ 11C for 16 days then bottled
(optional US-05 @ 18C)

It has that aussie flavour (XXXX ish), crisp and clear, not too strong, low effort no secondary or lagering.

Could of added crystal, carapils, etc but wanted to keep it simple.

Seemax, that sounds absolutely spot on for a XXXX tribute using extract. The OP is looking more for a Melb. bitter and I would go more for POR or Superpride as the bittering hop, but as Melb. has a bit of hop aroma as well, I've found that a smallish amount of a fairly aromatic hop such as New Zealand BSaaz (15g added 10 mins before end of boil) can give a nice touch. VB and Carlton don't have a lot of hop character but Melb definitely has some aroma so I would go for the BSaaz, Euro Saaz or even a touch of Cascade. For a first attempt, that US-05, fermented at around 17 degrees, can make a very nice 'fake lager' as well, because although it is an ale yeast, it ferments out dry and clean. Highly recommended.
Now i am ready to brew. Thanks all who answered or gave their opinion.
Looks like the lads have got you covered now. So I'll leave it to ya to brew ya beer.

Chappo :icon_cheers:
Dont forget to add the turkey bullion. The more tickled the better, I hear :icon_cheers:

Talk about a fowl beer............