Just had a phone call from a mate who asked me to read this thread. He knows it's a Friday and he knows damn well that I couldn't resist replying to something like this thread - lol!
The day that someone can look up into the sky and show me the edge of the universe, can tell me the point when it ends, then I'm joining that religion. The day that someone can explain quantum physics in words to me, I'll think I know something significant.
I think when you get certain about your religion or lack of it, you need to dwell on the above for a sec.
We know nothing!
But, there are certainly mystical and spiritual things that can occurr to people that are very real but cannot be explained adequately in words. There is a scale of these as well. Some people can love their children. Some people love their spouse. Some people love their parents. Some people do all these and even love the environment, the whole human race or even the whole world! The latter is known commonly in a few religions as satori, bliss or ecstasy. In this state, everything is logical and also pure joy - a great way to go but you are doing well to even taste it once in your lifetime.
The Dalai Llama said, "I don't know the meaning of the universe but I think our purpose is to be happy." (Perhaps, 'full,' would be a better translation than, 'happy,' for us westerners.)
I like troops like the Dalia Llama!
Someone else (can't remember who) said something like, "It is fortunate to be born into a religion but most unfortunate to die with the same one."
Let's forget the list of religions in the poll. Let's boil it down to just three belief systems...
1. One Life then Paradise - eg Christianity, Islam, Jewish etc.
2. Many Lives then Paradise - eg Hindu
3. One Life and then You Are Dead!
All of the above can be flawed logically very easily. (I believe in all of them depending on the situation. For example, if I see some poor bugger with a totally crap life through no fault of their own, I'll go reincarnation. That way, I can think that next life they will have a better run.)
I reckon it doesn't really matter which of the above you believe in. If we go with the Dalia Llama's view that our purpose is to be happy, then ANY one of those belief systems can get you there in the end.
EVERY one of the above belief systems (and all of them are illogical) has tremendous advantages if used in the right way and tremendous disadvantages if used in the wrong way.
So, for me, the question is not what is your religion or point of view but what do you do with it? i.e. What is your way of life?
Do you use it productively? Does it embrace or ostracise? Do you create humour where you walk? Do you engage your brain and other people's brains? Do you create or disintegrate? Do you create excitement? Do you create adventure?
If you can do one percent of the positives of the above every day then I reckon you are doing bloody well. Good on ya!
Ummmm! PP is off-topic and way out there but the bugger who gave me the heads up on this thread will love it so good on me!
P.S. Nice to see that people above from all points of view have generally been productive or at the very least really funny :icon_cheers:
If my memory serves me correctly, the word religion comes from roots that mean, 'way of life.'