I have a few spare openardbir boards + a few components to offload to anyone who wants to build their own mash controller.
It's the last version PCB before the onboard arduino was designed and is the one found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/96o6i39o50llama/AABVp-eUII7ZKqueoC4oIUtEa/PCB?dl=0
It'll come with some components (green connectors, diodes and transistors). You'll need the rest of the components to complete the build (LCD, arduino uno, relays, etc).
Pictures of the board are uploaded here: http://imgur.com/a/7DI8R
It'll be $21.50 + postage, or you can pick up in central Brisbane.
It's the last version PCB before the onboard arduino was designed and is the one found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/96o6i39o50llama/AABVp-eUII7ZKqueoC4oIUtEa/PCB?dl=0
It'll come with some components (green connectors, diodes and transistors). You'll need the rest of the components to complete the build (LCD, arduino uno, relays, etc).
Pictures of the board are uploaded here: http://imgur.com/a/7DI8R
It'll be $21.50 + postage, or you can pick up in central Brisbane.