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Anyone ever dropped anything accidently into your brew.

Because the there was some CO2 excaping somewhere from my brew (and the airlock wasn't bubbling) I decided to change the fermentation lid ensuring the gromets had no cracks in, which was no issue, until i had the new lid on and was putting the airlock in and unfortunately the gromet pushed through and landed directly in my brew. It was completely sanitised so hopefully it will all be okay. Any thoughts or anyone else lost/dropped stuff into their brew.
I once dropped some chillis into a fermenter. It was sensational!
Should i jsut leave the gromet in the brew rather than try to fish it out. I wouldn't imagine it would contribute to any off flavours.
I have chilli's in this particular beer (actually ginger beer) but i put them in on purpose
ooer a few things...

grommets, a spider (it had fallen into the kettle) and a weatherstation (100% humidity!) :lol:

It was Spider Cider.
Should i jsut leave the gromet in the brew rather than try to fish it out. I wouldn't imagine it would contribute to any off flavours.
I have chilli's in this particular beer (actually ginger beer) but i put them in on purpose

You're certainly not the first to do that mate. Whatever damage you may have done has been done, and fishing it out won't help. I think the grommets are food grade, so you may as well leave it in there.

I wouldn't worry. RDWHAHB :icon_cheers:
yup figured that much argh well cross my fingers and hope. im 95% confident i havent contaminated the brew
I was filtering hops a dry hopped ale by running the beer through a tea strainer into the keg. I was nearly finished and dropped the whole strainer into the keg. Ended up fishing it out with a hook

Kabooby :)
I was absolutely poo-faced by the time i finished doing an All-grain once.. (no surprises there..)
and i had just finished chilling the wort when i went to check the temp and dropped my digital thermometer in..
well in my drunken haste i shoved my whole arm in to fish it out...
As i looked at my fried Thermometer with sticky wort dripping of my elbow i thought to myself... "you d*ckhead.. <_< "
So i though stuff it and threw it in the fermenter anyway...
Funnily enough it turned out fine... :icon_cheers:

With infections...it can go either way in extremes.. drop a gromet in and get one,
or drop granddad's old rectal ointment applicator and dont get one... .. .. . :blink:

Its a luck of the draw controlled solely by preventative measures...


P.S. Boys, my case swap beer is ready... ;)
I was absolutely poo-faced by the time i finished doing an All-grain once.. (no surprises there..)
and i had just finished chilling the wort when i went to check the temp and dropped my digital thermometer in..
well in my drunken haste i shoved my whole arm in to fish it out...
As i looked at my fried Thermometer with sticky wort dripping of my elbow i thought to myself... "you d*ckhead.. <_< "
So i though stuff it and threw it in the fermenter anyway...
Funnily enough it turned out fine... :icon_cheers:

With infections...it can go either way in extremes.. drop a gromet in and get one,
or drop granddad's old rectal ointment applicator and dont get one... .. .. . :blink:

Its a luck of the draw controlled solely by preventative measures...


P.S. Boys, my case swap beer is ready... ;)

Oh goody!! I can't wait for a bottle of grandads old rectal dark ale
Your not a real home brewer untill....................

I did it years back too and posted a thread just like this. There were a lot ledd brewers on line than and less funny ones :) So i just got told what we are telling you.

RDWHAHB :icon_cheers:

Ive dropped a few things into my brews but the worst of them was cascade :ph34r:

dropped my guts a few times while brewing and that was better than the cascade!

I've dropped grommets in all the time- my two piece airlock + a slightly-too-small- hole in my double fermenter = very easy to drop in. T put the airlock in when the lid is not on top of the fermenter. I have also had small insects that have flown over the boil and gotten pulled in because of the pressure difference caused by the heat/evaporation.

There's heaps of threads about this though- there's one about a bee in a beer. I think the person named it with 'bee' in the title.