Hello all
I recently made a starter out of yeast slurry. The yeast was wyeast forbidden fruit, used it for a wit.
The slurry was in the fridge two weeks, with a bit of leftover beer on top.
Brewed up dme to water at 1/10. Ended up with 900ml.
Pitched 5 tablespoons of slurry.
This was 10 days ago...a delivery from my brewshop was a few days late, and went away two days after making starter, so just ended up putting it in the fridge, still in the glass fv.
Fermented out fine, went pretty crazy actually.
Anyhow I am brewing tomorrow, so 11 days post starter. Just wondering if I make another starter with this yeast, would that be the go?
I still have the yeast slurry, could just make a fresh one?
Or alternatively if both these are a bad idea I have some dry yeast on hand.
Have included a couple of pics taken just now.
Ps sorry for rambling

I recently made a starter out of yeast slurry. The yeast was wyeast forbidden fruit, used it for a wit.
The slurry was in the fridge two weeks, with a bit of leftover beer on top.
Brewed up dme to water at 1/10. Ended up with 900ml.
Pitched 5 tablespoons of slurry.
This was 10 days ago...a delivery from my brewshop was a few days late, and went away two days after making starter, so just ended up putting it in the fridge, still in the glass fv.
Fermented out fine, went pretty crazy actually.
Anyhow I am brewing tomorrow, so 11 days post starter. Just wondering if I make another starter with this yeast, would that be the go?
I still have the yeast slurry, could just make a fresh one?
Or alternatively if both these are a bad idea I have some dry yeast on hand.
Have included a couple of pics taken just now.
Ps sorry for rambling