Okay I Committed Blasphemy

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Things didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped they would today. I racked my blonde to secondary and added a 600 g bag of raspberries to the beer. After hand feeding the berries one at a time into the narrow neck of the fermenter I thought there has to be a better way.

So I took my second 600 g bag and put it through the blender, then funnelled the liquid raspberries into a cheesecloth bag which was inside of the fermenter. I tied a knot in the open end of the bag and dropped it into the beer. So right now I have a combination of whole fruit and puree in a bag inside of my fermenter.


Now this whole ordeal wasn't exactly what I would call sanitary... I have my fingers crossed that an infection doesn't take hold. I know that the alcohol content and pH of the beer will usually discourage any nasties from growing, but the alcohol in this beer was fairly low (around 3.9 - 4.0%). Am I worrying over nothing?
Things didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped they would today. I racked my blonde to secondary and added a 600 g bag of raspberries to the beer. After hand feeding the berries one at a time into the narrow neck of the fermenter I thought there has to be a better way.

So I took my second 600 g bag and put it through the blender, then funnelled the liquid raspberries into a cheesecloth bag which was inside of the fermenter. I tied a knot in the open end of the bag and dropped it into the beer. So right now I have a combination of whole fruit and puree in a bag inside of my fermenter.


Now this whole ordeal wasn't exactly what I would call sanitary... I have my fingers crossed that an infection doesn't take hold. I know that the alcohol content and pH of the beer will usually discourage any nasties from growing, but the alcohol in this beer was fairly low (around 3.9 - 4.0%). Am I worrying over nothing?

That looks FANTASTIC! Love the colour. Good luck!
looks like a couple of dead red mullet floating in the top there ^_^
looks like it'll be fun getting the bag out...
looks awesome though
Looks pretty good to me!

Did you pasturise the fruit? If not, it's almost definate that you'll get some level of souring infection from the fruits skin. Personally I like that though, should help to balance it out.

Next time you need to find a big funnel. Thats all Cantillon use when they're adding fruit to a barrel.
I'll definately have to tertiary this one to keep the chunks and seeds out of the bottles.
I'm going to add raspberries to secondary on sunday, and I am considering perhaps doing the same- what difference do you think blending will do to the flavour? Do you think that it will add more raspberry flavour if it is blended, rather than having the raspberries added whole?
I'm going to add raspberries to secondary on sunday, and I am considering perhaps doing the same- what difference do you think blending will do to the flavour? Do you think that it will add more raspberry flavour if it is blended, rather than having the raspberries added whole?
Can't exactly tell you as this is my first try. The only difference I can think of is that pureed raspberries will ferment faster as there isn't as much of a skin barrier to the sugars.
That's what I was thinking- additionally I was thinking that possibly more of the fruit flavour will get into the beer, as a lot of the juice will become 'unlocked' so to speak by the blending.
I am sorry but thats damn funny.

Get ur racking hose and suck like made and hopefully with the suction you should be able to get the bag out.
A lot more of the flavour should be able to get into the beer because the berries are broken up. It was a pain racking as there were small bits of raspberry all over the bottom of the fermenter.

As most of the fermenting has already been done, you should end up with a more raspberry taste as opposed to raspberry wine. This will be dependent on the alcohol level that the brew has at the moment and the amount of alcohol that the yeast can cope with. At least that's what I found with a raspberry mead I made a year ago.
How much did you pay for the raspberry's? I might do something similar as an experiment on a 10L split batch.
Make sure you leave it long enough (at fermetnation temperature) for all of the sugars in the raspberries to ferment. I didn't with mine; consequently my raspberry beers probably came VERY close to exploding. I usually have to open them outside in case they spurt everywhere.

I'd think blending the raspberries would pretty much just speed up the leaching process. There'll be plenty of flavour there, but it will probably be very dry and a bit tart; tasty though!

Next raspberry beer I'm making is going to be loaded with crystal to get at least some sweetness in there.

There is a pretty,cute girl in Satkatchewan called Jemma. She's curvy and hot.

If she's now your wife, I slept with her and can vouch for her mash paddle prowess. :wub:

She's a snowboarder I met in Thedbo over a season or two. :beerbang:

Say hi for me. :D

She once told me that it is so flat there that you can watch your dog running away for three days. :D

I was devastated when I found out that the majority of brewers in Belgium add extract inline and on the way to the bottler to the base beer.

I was relieved when I tried to brew fruit beer and added fruit anywhere in the process. What a nightmare!

Ah Seany Boy! That has got be the best off-topic post I have ever seen and I'm taking it straight to the AHB poolroom before anyone gets it deleted!

There is a pretty,cute girl in Satkatchewan called Jemma. She's curvy and hot.

If she's now your wife, I slept with her and can vouch for her mash paddle prowess. :wub:

She's a snowboarder I met in Thedbo over a season or two. :beerbang:

Say hi for me. :D

She once told me that it is so flat there that you can watch your dog running away for three days.


Yeah I know Jemma... or Jeremy as he used to be called. We used to be friends, but I stoped hanging out with him after he got that sex change operation. ;)

And yes, you can see your dog run away for 3 days.

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