Oils In Beer

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OK... I have heard a number of things people have used in their beer that I thought were adventurous. (Pumpkin, chilli, coffee, various fruits, etc)

I don't see it as being overly adventurous but has anyone ever tried adding hazelnut or macadamia oil or something like that (maybe sesame oil) in their beer.

I know that using munich malt will add nutty flavours, and some yeasts will enhance any nuttiness, but has anyone tried using the nuts themselves?

I guess I am only concerned at ending up with beer covered in a layer of oil. I would be hoping that the yeast would break down the oil yet preserve the flavours.

Any thoughts?
Might help (or hinder) head retention?

Sorry man, I'm as "in the dark" as you, but that thought just crossed my mind :huh:

Alcohol is a slight emulsifier, so you should be able to dissolve some oil in the beer once there was some alcohol in there. I don't think yeast would really touch the fats - they tend to only work on simpler molecules like simple carbs.
Fingerlickin_B said:
Might help (or hinder) head retention?


But, the beauty of homebrewing is that you can do whatever the hell you like. Try it and report back.
Gee, I dunno. I was thinking the same thing the other week. maybe you could find 'extract of'.

Couldn't imagine drinking an 'oily' beer. Like kais says, give it a burl, let us know if ya hurl!
Extract oils like hazelnut can go into beer.
Add them at bottling/kegging time.
I'm fermenting a Choc Hazelnut Porter now and the plan is to add the Hazelnut oil at kegging time.

Don't forget that hops contain oils as well. May not be as high as nuts but they're still there.
i know that the oils from orange/lemon peel etc in the boil do lessen head retention, maybe add something to counter it.

wheat, carapils etc.


Thanks all,

I would also guess it would destroy head retention... :(
Doc... what have you found?
Choc Hazelnut porter? Feel like sharing the recipe?
How much Hazelnut oil to become noticable in a Dark ale?
I presume you are using Choc Malt or similar for the choc taste?

Too many questions I know...

Thanks for contributing guys... will give it a go.
Doc said:
Extract oils like hazelnut can go into beer.


What about making an actual nut essence (like the almond essence you can buy)?

From what I have read you essentially soak crushed nuts in as close to pure alcohol as you can get for a week or two to extract the flavours. The alcohol is a solvent so it strips the flavour and aroma compuntsds from the nuts and retains them in the liquid. That way you get the flavours you wantr without the oils.

I believe commercial essences are made by forcing alcohol vapour under pressure through whatever you are trying to extract from. Sounds like you could emulate this with a "water purifier".

I have made rose essence using rose petals (duh) and vodka. Not bad. Went very nicely in cakes. Never tried nuts though.
