Oh my gush - a bulk priming problem

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MikeHell said:
Have had the same issue with an oatmeal stout, I primed with dextrose though, so don't think priming substance is the issue. My conclusion is 'calcium oxalate' (google it) may be present...
Thanks Mike, I think my kettle does have this build-up and I'll remove it. I assume this would sink to the bottom of the bottling bucket, so in a sense, this may be the particulate matter that's affecting a few beers from each batch?

I'm about to bottle a heavily dry hopped IPA and I've actually transferred this to a secondary fermenter - partly to get it off the hops (after 9 days), but also to see if this helps me bottle a cleaner beer. I don't love the idea of racking as a matter of course, but for heavily hopped beers, it may be the best process for me.
FWIW, I'm a serial racker...anything with a lot of hops goes to a secondary after dry hopping is complete, then I'll crash chill in the secondary, before racking again onto my bulk priming solution. I know a lot of people are concerned about the possibility of infection or introducing oxygen during racking, but I use starsan on everything, including the inside & outside of the silicon hose, and I've never had any issues. The hose goes on the tap of the primary, and runs to the bottom of the secondary so there's no splashing.

I then rack into my keg (usually onto gelatin), so pretty much all of my APA/IPA beers are being racked 3 times before consumption.
Yeah I'm pretty confident I'm my process and sanitize thoroughly, but I can't fault the logic in avoiding the potential exposure unless there's a reason (such as the one you describe). If this works well, I'll probably adopt it where it suits the style.