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Hi Guys,

Yep, you guessed it. As I was pulling the hydro out of its case to test the OG of my latest brew, I dropped it. Not a spare to be found.

I have since bought another, but it begs the question what my OG might have been. Would anyone with Beersmith be able to run the following for me?

1 x can Morgans 'Bishops' English Bitter
1 x Brewer's Choice Brew Booster
1 x Brewers Choice Amber/Brown Ale grain pack (steeped in 750ml 75degree water then sparged with same amount, boiled for 5 mins)

Thanks guys - I realise it might be guesswork given the unknown ingredient breakdown of the Brew Booster, but any help appreciated.

Hi ben i calculate your OG to be 1.048. i used http://www.brewcraft.com.au/wa.asp?idWebPa...p;idDetails=172 the calculator on the brewcraft website, it might not be as accurate as beersmith but i think it will be ball park.I have found it to be all right also i had to guess the quantaties in your brew booster. If the booeters more dextrose than malt your OG will brobably be around the 1.049
Hi ben i calculate your OG to be 1.048. i used http://www.brewcraft.com.au/wa.asp?idWebPa...p;idDetails=172 the calculator on the brewcraft website, it might not be as accurate as beersmith but i think it will be ball park.I have found it to be all right also i had to guess the quantaties in your brew booster. If the booeters more dextrose than malt your OG will brobably be around the 1.049

Thanks mate, I really appreciate that!
[quote name='Benny O'Beer' post='409354' date='Feb 2 2009, 08:34 AM']Thanks mate, I really appreciate that![/quote]

NO worries any time
You never mentioned the weight of your grain...I would presume it is about 250g. in 23L
brewbooster + tin = 1039, and
2points per 250g grain (roughly)
so 1041.
The mix of adjunct doesn't make very much difference at all on the OG, just on the FG. Dex, maltodextrin, and dry malt all give (practically) the same gravities in 23L of water in the kilo region.
You never mentioned the weight of your grain...I would presume it is about 250g. in 23L
brewbooster + tin = 1039, and
2points per 250g grain (roughly)
so 1041.
The mix of adjunct doesn't make very much difference at all on the OG, just on the FG. Dex, maltodextrin, and dry malt all give (practically) the same gravities in 23L of water in the kilo region.

Thanks Butters....Whilst I have (absolutely) no experience in brewing english beers, does that OG seem low to you? i would have thought high 40's low 50's based on prior reading.....

i think south english ales are only around the 3 to 4 % alcohol which would start with a low OG but the norther ales are of a higher alcohol around the 5 % and slightly higher which would give you a sightly higher OG around the 1.050 area but i could have them mixed up and it could be vice versa
[quote name='Benny O'Beer' post='409363' date='Feb 2 2009, 09:09 AM']Thanks Butters....Whilst I have (absolutely) no experience in brewing english beers, does that OG seem low to you? i would have thought high 40's low 50's based on prior reading.....


English or not, 1.7kg of liquid malt + 1kg of adjunct in 23L = 1039.

My lowest OG for an English is 1028....regularly do 1035 (mild) and 1038 (bitter) with an ESB at 1042 brewed today. ;) 1040start, 1010 finish is Just shy of 4% ABV....by the time it's bottled adn carbonated it will be 4.3-4.4%.

Edit: fordute, theres no diff on alc content in the north...they may have slightly more bitter beer, but this is offset through the softening effect of oxidisation through the sparkler on the pump.