Nylex Drinking Water Hose For No Chill

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Hi all,

I am about to no chill a brew.
I have available to me the following:
  • Nylex Drinking Water Hose (reinforced)
  • Clear tubing from hardware store (racking tube)

Which would be better to use ?

Also can someone post a pic of the pvc hose that is mentioned on this site. Is it the white washing machine style hose?

Bought some clear hose from bunnings did 2 brews & it stunk, brew tasted different too.
Went & bought some silocone hose its the go.
You all seem not to notice the temp rating on this hose. it's 65 deg.

This stuff is ok for a mash tun, just. But releases toxins when run at near boiling temp.

I've made the same mistake and purchased some Food Grade hose from Witworths. (Marine Supplier).
The hose still gets soft and releases plastic toxins.

Splurge and get a length of silicon hose.

You all seem not to notice the temp rating on this hose. it's 65 deg.

This stuff is ok for a mash tun, just. But releases toxins when run at near boiling temp.

I've made the same mistake and purchased some Food Grade hose from Witworths. (Marine Supplier).
The hose still gets soft and releases plastic toxins.

Splurge and get a length of silicon hose.


I was actually concerned by the rating as well. So before I bought some of that hose I rang Pirtek at Regency Park in S.A. The consultant which was quite helpfull stated that the only issue after the 65c was the fact that the hose may start to leak around where the hose was clamped if not monitored because of the temp. I threw caution to the wind and decided to soldier on and use it. So far so good. Its been around 9 months so far and no problems. Used it for hot wort transfer, chilling and so on. As a matter of fact I used the same hose when I entered my beer into SABSOSA last year. Its was my first time in that comp and I came a very happy brewer third. Entered the same beer into the national comp at the ANHC and also came a very happy brewer third.

Just a quick question what do you regard as near boiling point? The norm here is that my wort post boil before cooling is normally around 75c-85c which is well above the 65c that the manufacturer recommends.

So basically I personally have no problems using that particular hose. I have no affiliation with either retailer in respect to what I buy. I am a regular customer of Craftbrewer and Beerbelly and to a certain extent Gryphon. All I can say is to take away from this forum the facts and if the facts are not enough just wing it and make your own decisions.

Thats my 2 1/2cents worth.

Happy brewing
