I went out and bought a George Foreman mix & go on sale at Harvey Norman simply because I love the great mans work, (George, not Harvey) and it was cheap.
Gotta say, the suckers convenient. Quick rinse and we're good to go. Haven't killed it yet despite loading it with nuts and fruit, whey and milk to the point of having to force the lid shut.
From a design perspective its a winner. At least for consuming fluids by the pint, and who's going to argue with that?
I plan to pack it with steak, gravy, potatoes and broccoli shortly, microwave it and see how that goes.
Theres no problem replacing regular meals with blender drinks for convenience sake, my last one rocked about 800 calories, but only people like Oprah replace meals to loose weight, and look at her.
At the end of the day it's calories in vs calories out, and there's no way to circumvent it, unless you want to join the bodybuilding / figure sculpting set and start with the HGH, clenbuterol and so on.
Easiest way is to track your calories and macros with a fitday (there are plenty others), estimate your BMR and reduce your daily intake by a sensible amount. Knocking off only 500 cal per day will see you loose in the order of half a kilo a week. The key is consistency and patience. Eating yourself fat over winter than trying to get your beach body back in a matter of weeks is a recipe for bouncing back even fatter than before.
As so often happens, this is a simple thing made to seem complicated by diet peddling hucksters. The fact that the diet industry in the US alone is worth an estimated 20 billion a year and Americans are the fattest ***** on earth speaks volumes.