Nswabc 2011 Results

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After 2 huge days of of judging, 328 entries were put to the test and the winners have been decided, but First of all some thanks need to be given...

Firstly, thanks to all the volunteers that travelled far and wide to come up to God's own country and help us put this show on; your efforts are very much appreciated, and as a club we can't thank you enough. Thanks also to all the HUB members who also pulled together in a massive effort to make this all happen.

Next, we can't thank Hunter Beer Co (Potters Brewery) enough for their generosity in providing us with a venue to host the event. Keith and his staff really couldn't do enough for us and without their support this whole gig would have not been possible. we thank Keith's boss, Hamish, for his support of the betterment of Craft Beer and Brewing in the Hunter and beyond. If you haven't been to hunter Beer Co lately, I suggest you get there soon to enjoy one of the great craft beer venues here in paradise.

A huge thanks also to Mark's Home Brew for his massive effort in putting together the BOS prize. A true one of a kind that the lucky winner will treasure for a lifetime no doubt. Also for the other assistance, financial and organisational that Mark has provided to this comp.

Thanks most go also to Murray's Brewery for their kind support of the NSWABC 2011. Murray's have kindly donated the second half of the BOS prize which will see the lucky brewer travelling to Murray's to brew a commercial batch of their BOS winning beer. Once brewed, this beer will be released at the Bitter & Twisted Beer festival and other selected venues. more details to follow soon. We thank Murray's for their continued support of HUB and invite anyone reading to get your butt up there now the weather is warming up and enjoy some great beers in a great location.

Thanks also to our other category sponsors listed in the results pages. It's great to see businesses supporting Craft Beer in NSW.

And lastly, thank you to all the entrants that put a beer into the NSWABC 2011. Without your efforts and support, none of this would have been possible. We wish all qualifiers the best of luck in the upcoming AABC to be held in Adelaide in October.

Scoresheets will be mailed this week for non-prize winners. people who have taken out a category may be a few days later due to our trophies not being ready until around Wednesday this week, but should be out before the end of the week. All category winners will be invited to re-brew their beer to serve at Bitter and Twisted on the frst weeken in November. More details will be emailed to those concerned.

My sincere apologies if their are any glaring mistakes in the results; it's late and I've been staring at this screen for way too much time this weekend, and I'm only human. If you have any issues with the results, or your scoresheets, please feel free to contact us at hubbrewingevents@gmail.com. we will probably refrain from entering into any disagreements here, or anywhere else in public as it is very unbecoming of the hobby.

once again, on behalf of the Hunter United Brewers, I thank all involved for their efforts, and congratulate all the winners on their success.


Tony Kilpatrick
Secretary- Hunter United Brewers

View attachment NSWABC_2011_Results.pdf
Thanks to the judges, always good to have these comps run professionally and successfully. And good work to those that got awards.

Category 15's results look all messed up, like it was sorted by subclass rather than points - might want to fix that.

Good work Joe V - somehow not quite winning on points but winning the BOS round :)
Thanks to the judges, always good to have these comps run professionally and successfully. And good work to those that got awards.

Category 15's results look all messed up, like it was sorted by subclass rather than points - might want to fix that.

Good work Joe V - somehow not quite winning on points but winning the BOS round :)

Ahh there had to be something... :facepalm:

All fixed now. Re; The BOS, therein lies the beauty of the BOS round. All category winners are put on the table and judged together to achieve parity.
Congrats to the place getters. I was chuffed that some of mine went better than I expected but not so chuffed when others didnt. Thats just how it is I suppose.
Wow, they got posted quickly, I expected to check the results tomorrow at work. Thanks Schooey.

Pretty chuffed to get first place in Strong Stout. I brewed that Russian Imperial Stout for my son, William who was born in January. He even helped oversee the mash, and didn't he love it!

WOW that was quick, thanks Schooey for your swift posting of the results.

Firstly a massive thanks to Schooey and the rest of the HUB's for their organisation of this comp, fantastic!! Such a great opportunity to recieve some quality feedback for my beers. Also thanks to Mark from Mark's HB for taking delivery of my entries and thanks to all the sponsors who have put up some fantastic prizes.

Im pretty chuffed with my results this year and will be eagerly waiting for my judging sheets.

Congrats to Joe, awesome prize for BOS.

Congrats to Barry for Champion Brewer, almost got you!

On a side note, I decided to only send in one of each bottle. Is there anyway of determining if the two beers I placed 1st in were in the BOS round?

Congrats to Barry for Champion Brewer, almost got you!

On a side note, I decided to only send in one of each bottle. Is there anyway of determining if the two beers I placed 1st in were in the BOS round?


Hi Matt,

Yes, you almost did get Barry, and due to my not so good adding up, there was only one point in it... you did indeed score 12 points. As for the BOS round, I was pretty busy doing the data entry, but I know for sure your Porter was included, but I'm not sure about the ESB.
Nice work HUB, & thanks to all the sponsors/Potters/Murrays/Marks Home Brew for all the hard work. And a big thanks for getting the results up so fast- I'm sure everyone was dying to see their results as much as i was...

Hope it was a good event for all those involved, & congrats to all the winners & placers.

Great work to all involved. Thanks for getting the results up so quickly.
Congrats to the winners (doh! missed a place by 1.5 points for my Belgian Blonde! :rolleyes: )
And now I know not to enter my vienna lager into the Castle Hill comp!
To Tony Keith Mark Dave and all the HUB'S

Thanks very much for a great couple days at Potters, what a great venue.It was a couple of hard days judging
but I loved every minute of it. Thanks for the great prizes offered ESPECIALLY my BOS prize I was absolutely shocked
when I won. A big thanks for Mark for organising it and a big thanks to Shaun at Murrays for filling it with one off the best
drops in the country I'm sure I will enjoy it when I get the courage to open it. It will be a big drink.

A big thanks to all the Judges and stewards they all did a great job. Congrats to all the place getters. It just shows
great passion and commitment that us homebrewers have in creating great beers. Well done to Barry for being
Champion brewer.

Once again thanks to Tony and the crew for putting a great comp together and looking forward to
next year.
Thanks to all for organising and sponsoring this competition. Much appreciated.

I entered my first ever beer in a competition, although I had to enter it in an out of style class, as there was no class for American Amber Ale.
In spite of it not being one of my best brews (didn't really have any others ready), and being out of style, I still managed to score a pleasing 53 points, which I'm happy with, compared to the points distribution overall.

One thing, I have no idea of the scoring system. Can anyone enlighten us on that or point to where I can find it?
Also, how do we get our judges notes back?
Congrats to Greg Lee for your 1st and 3rd good to see your still brewing champ.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who was involved.
Special thanks to Tony for his big effort in organizing and also for driving me around both days ;-)

I will try to get some pictures up here soon.
Thanks to all for organising and sponsoring this competition. Much appreciated.

I entered my first ever beer in a competition, although I had to enter it in an out of style class, as there was no class for American Amber Ale.
In spite of it not being one of my best brews (didn't really have any others ready), and being out of style, I still managed to score a pleasing 53 points, which I'm happy with, compared to the points distribution overall.

One thing, I have no idea of the scoring system. Can anyone enlighten us on that or point to where I can find it?
Also, how do we get our judges notes back?

Scoresheet will be post end of the week and the score sheets can be found here: BJCP scoresheet.
The results are basically the sum of 2 score sheets. So divide your score by 2 and thats the score out of 50 your beer got.
This as my first year in the comp as I hav e only been brewing for 18months or so. I am pretty happy with 4th for IPA and 7th of Porter with a score of 75! :beer:
Congrats All.

When are you guys going to bar Barry from entering? Congrats on another excellent result - wish I could have made it up for judging.
Dear HUB & associated supporters of home brewing,

Many thanks to all those involved in the coordination and running of this event. Without your time and effort, we would just share our spoils on those who do not appreciate fine beer.

Congrats to the ESB boys on the clean sweep, namely Joe (BOS) and Barry (Champion Brewer) and my former best mate and brewing partner Mick (runnner up BOS) for their outstanding results. Mick, I told you can put two names of the entry forms!

Finally, Joe...Mick and I in a fantasising moment said that if we won BOS, we would share it at an ESB meeeting with all our brethren who taught us everything we know. I think you should do that as well!

See you Friday!

Ahhh Jonny... if we baned the good old B-52 from entering, it would halve the enteries.

Barry keeps us all on our toes at comp time :)

A big thanks to all the folks involved in the running of the comp...... without the work you put in we whouldnt have a comp.

and congrats to all the brewers!

Beer is the winner :p
Interesting to see what the oppo is going to be at the Nats (If Allah smileth upon me at our State Judging in a couple of weeks) - looks fearsome ;) I've saved the PDF and it will be perused closely up here as part of the battle plan. :ph34r:

Couple of points:

  • I see the organisation and heavy lifting in this comp is clearly Hunter-oriented. Shows where the strength is and having recently visited I'm not at all surprised.
  • What are the scores out of? I'm more used to the "out of 50" system
  • Is Dick Sharpe a porn star or is it just my dirty mind? :lol:
Well done all placegetters. What was the prize that Mark put up?

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