Now I have an immersion chiller, do I change anything else?

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About to brew my second BIAB tomorrow. I have obtained an immersion chiller since my first. So what, if anything, can I drop from my schedule? Thinking, do I still need/want to use a hop sock? And what about whirlfloc?

I use an electric urn, have temp control for fermentation and can lager in temp controlled environment as well. Trying to not make this war and peace... Please ask me if there is other relevant stuff you need to know, to be able to provide an intelligent response.


Hops are about how much trub you get in the kettle. Up to you to sock them or not. I'd still use whirlfloc if I were you. Pretty much not much changes I think, just that you whirlpool after/during chilling and won't really have to sit the kettle for the convection currents to stop.
Your hop schedule will differ if you no-chiller last time. Do you use brewing software? You should be able to indicate chill/no chill and it will adjust IBU accordingly.
As above, depending on your hop schedule, but you wont have to adjust for no-chilling.

Make sure you put the chiller in the pot at 15mins to go. You still want to use a hop-sock and whirlfloc/irish moss/brew brite.

Oh and dont panic when you see the clouds forming in the wort when you switch on the chiller. Thats the cold break forming, which is A Good Thing.
practicalfool said:
Hops are about how much trub you get in the kettle.
No hot break or cold break? I'd be concerned if hops were "just about the only trub..."
thanks all, no change, expect to see some miso soup looking thing happening in my kettle and set up a whirlpool to assist. All good.

Software - Using Ian's BIAB download from here. In open office though, so a little glichy. I'm close to what I want, so I'll just do it and document it, learn from it, and better it... next time.

Thanks again.
NewtownClown said:
No hot break or cold break? I'd be concerned if hops were "just about the only trub..."
Heh, commando hop specialist. And flower user. Well, with my new setup, I used a hop bag and the trub cone on the bottom was absolutely a fraction of what I'm used to. So....
Dont forget to put your imersion chiller in 5-10 min from the end ( or the start ) so that it is sterilised in the boiling wort
Nothing against ianH's spreadsheet, it's a cracker and I used it for ages (many revisions ago now)

Brewmate is equally easy to use and has a no chill option, brewday sheet, BIAB option too I believe, top bit of kit..

Just providing more options mate, no affiliation just happy user (though I find that I'm rarely using it these days)


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