Now Be Honest , Do Your Kegs Leak

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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When I come to use my kegs afer a day I always have to give them a squirt of gas .

does everyone have this problem or is it just me ?????

Pumpy :(
I've only had this issue with one keg, which has been resolved since I've replaced all the seals.

Have you checked for leaks? An easy way is to get a spray bottle and squirt on a mixture of dishwashing liquid and water. Any leaks should become visible as the liquid will turn into bubbles.

Make sure you then give any areas sprayed another squirt with sanitiser just to wash the dishwashing liquid away.
Must be just you Pumpy ! :p How about a poll ? But seriously, after each empty keg I would dismantle the valves and clean them with a toothbrush, and I still had occasional leaks. Now I don't take out the valves, just soak the kegs with hot water and napisan. :D
I think all my kegs leak.
Cause i sure cant be drinking that much! :blink:
When I come to use my kegs afer a day I always have to give them a squirt of gas .

does everyone have this problem or is it just me ?????

Pumpy :(

not just you pumpy, i've the same problem. :(
im certain none of mine leak ....
perhaps its the beer absorbing the gas Pumpy ?
Lets not forget that the 'squirt' of gas you mention Pumpy can be absorbed by the beer (ie carbonating it more) overnight.
So when you go to pour your beer there is no despense gas.

i never take the gas off mine.

And i am still on my first bottle of CO2 after 2 years.

I have tested them by gassing them and turning off the gas and then checking the pressure after a few days and they didnt change

they do leak liters and liters out the tap every night though

God you should see how they leak on a weekend with visitors.

its horriffic

Kook, , I will try the bubbles thing thats a good idea .
Razz, thanks for recommending something you would never do.
HB, after seeing you in action , i dont think yours leak .
Yardy, you make me feel normal .
Barra, the beer could be undercarbonated .
Tony you get through so much beer you may not notice .

Has anyone used a little bit of the paraliq lubrication gel on the big o ring would that help seal ?

Pumpy :unsure:
Mine only leak when i accidently put the gas QD on the Beer outlet, **** sprays all over me. :p

I always use gel on the o ring when replacing it.
mine only absorb gas into the beer and leak from the taps in controlled moments Pumpy. after a while all i get is foam and gas and the keg's as light as a feather!
Bloody Santa!
Mine leaked when an inlaw turned up yesterday, the Red Ale keg keg by 14 pots [middies] and the stout by only one pot :p , helped by me, tonight only 2 pots each [so far].

This is a joke a joke Pumpy, right :D You are joking?
Fair go pumpy, I thought I was answering your question contained in the title of the post. :D
PS. I also use lubricant on the big O ring.
Fair go pumpy, I thought I was answering your question contained in the title of the post. :D
PS. I also use lubricant on the big O ring.

Yep Razz :) I am definately going to try that lubricant on the big O ring .

Bindi I know what you are thinking .we are talking kegs here

no i think pumpy has leaky kegs.

He is a pom.......... can you blame him :)

i find running a bit of olive oil int0 the beer line before i fell the keg helps :)

Bindi I know what you are thinking .we are talking kegs here


Not confused Pumpy :D It was from kegs it 'leaked' :p
On Friday night I will have the brother inlaw staying here by himself in a room spitting distance from the bar :(
Nice Guy but likes a drink on a hot day, well any day.

No gas leaks here, only beer. :p
I haven't had a leak in 5 years and I haven't done a bit of repair work to either of them in that time. Might be time to check the seals? But my theory is if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Mine leak definitely, and it's a pain in the ass. I'm just about to replace all the o-rings/seals in all of them, cause I've had enough......

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