Next Round In Beer Tv Ads - Tooheys

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Get ready for the next round in the Tooheys/CUB beer commericals.
From here.

THE next phase of the beer wars starts on Friday when Tooheys goes viral with Tom Jones and a new ad to counter Carlton Draught's launch last year of its "Flash Beer" campaign.

The new "Tallmen" TV commercial from Saatchi & Saatchi, featuring a cast of blow-up figures having a barbeque in a suburban street, would be available online from Friday and the TV campaign launched on Sunday on free-to-air.

I liked the bit where they admitted that New lost market share cause of the wider range of beers available. kind of puts their opposition to the WET scheme (excise exemption) for small breweries in perspective.

Im dont understand why they dont promote squires more. perhaps the accountants dont like the hops cost ?!? Interestly the price of sugar is increasing. what can they replace that with - malt ? d'oh, thats going up too ... !

Tooheys New - buy it if you watch tv !
And the new ad is up here, with the compulsory stag and bikini chick.

I did not like that one anywhere near as much a the catapult one.

I'd rather drink my own spew than drink tooheys new so no ad is going to affect my choice in beer
That is just boring and stoopid. Maybe that means there gonna put more money into ingredients??
That is just boring and stoopid. Maybe that means there gonna put more money into ingredients??

i really dont think mainstream beers that are around for along time are going to change ingredients
wasn't serious mate... people buy that sh!t by the truckloads, no reason to change it.
Hahahahha Tooheys... at least they can make good ads.

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