New Brewer in Brissy.

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Hey everyone, I'm Mick, just moved to Brissy.
So after reading a bit on this forum about what to buy for a brand new brewer, I decided to go to a local Brew Shop, over the coopers kits at BigW.
I ended up going to Quality Home Brew Supplies over in Slacks Creek.
Talked to a nice guy there named Lindsay.
I explained my situation to him, and he was great. Lots of advice, and even gave me a discount and satchet of dry stuff to make my beer "dryer" I guess. Also said if I have any dramas to give him a call. Great service at this place.
I got the Brew Cellars 23L Micro Brewery, and also bought a tin of Ginger Beer for later on.
I wont be brewing my first batch for a few weeks, as I FIFO for work, and wont have time to get them in the bottles before I leave for work
So, looking forward to my next 2 weeks off so I can get started. My next few weeks i'll be at work browsing this forum trying to find out all you great tips and tricks.
You'll probably read a few stupid questions from me in the future,
So, thanks in advance haha

No need to get your beer into bottles quickly, you could easily start now and then bottle whenever you come back.

One the other hand, reading for a few weeks before you actually start is not a bad idea either.

Either way, welcome to the forum and to brisbane!
Hi Mick

Welcome. Hope you have many successful brews.

Just be wary of using the same fermenter for ginger beer as your beers. I find that the ginger smell lingers on so i use one of my old fermenters. I can't definetlly say that the ginger carries over to the next brew but i don't take any chances. Maybe someone else can confirm or not. Check out garage sales for an old fermenter if you need one.

MickyTT said:
Hey everyone, I'm Mick, just moved to Brissy.
So after reading a bit on this forum about what to buy for a brand new brewer, I decided to go to a local Brew Shop, over the coopers kits at BigW.
I ended up going to Quality Home Brew Supplies over in Slacks Creek.
Talked to a nice guy there named Lindsay.
I explained my situation to him, and he was great. Lots of advice, and even gave me a discount and satchet of dry stuff to make my beer "dryer" I guess. Also said if I have any dramas to give him a call. Great service at this place.
I got the Brew Cellars 23L Micro Brewery, and also bought a tin of Ginger Beer for later on.
I wont be brewing my first batch for a few weeks, as I FIFO for work, and wont have time to get them in the bottles before I leave for work
So, looking forward to my next 2 weeks off so I can get started. My next few weeks i'll be at work browsing this forum trying to find out all you great tips and tricks.
You'll probably read a few stupid questions from me in the future,
So, thanks in advance haha

welcome Mick....theres no such thing as stupid questions with brewing, cheers Ned. youll get loads opf advice in these forums mate.
Hey Mick,

Welcome! I too started my journey at Slacks Creek. I work just down the road from there. Any questions, throw them out there. Amazing amount of info on the site. :beerbang:

Florian said:
No need to get your beer into bottles quickly, you could easily start now and then bottle whenever you come back.

One the other hand, reading for a few weeks before you actually start is not a bad idea either.

Either way, welcome to the forum and to brisbane!
Thanks for the respones and welcomes guys.
So, if I was to start the process on Sunday, and for whatever reason I could not get them in the bottles before I leave, it would be ok to sit in the urn for a few weeks?
Thats was going to be my first question once I started. I watched the DVD today, and have read the instructions.
But it really doesn't have any info on the Left and Right of arcs, as to whether you can adjust times for the process.
How long can it actually stay in the Urn before it needs to be bottled? is there a limit?

Welcome Micky,
Presuming that you have completed the process up to the stage where you have hot wort,[liquid] in the urn,you should not leave it there any longer than it takes it to cool enough for adding the yeast.Usually 30 /20 deg.C.Leaving covered overnight or longer in summer usually accomplishes this.
This is then transfered to your fermenting vessel, [The big drum that you got with the setup] NOT THE URN.The yeast is added and the drum closed with the provided airlock or other means and then can be left till you fly home again. 2 weeks?.OK should be ready by then but if you get pissed or something leave it for another fifo,don't matter once it is in the fermenting vessel / drum .I have left it there for6 /8 weeks,no problems.
This is a good place to learn how to make good beer. Get yourself familiar with the terms for different processes and equipment and it will be a lot easier to understand what people are talking about here.
Go for it, when you have **** bubbling and overflowing and making an awful mess you quickly learn where you are going wrong.I did.
Hope this helps mate,I don't know what you get in that microbrewry deal so not sure what you are using .If they gave you an urn then it seems a full system,but I think you are calling your fermenting vessel / drum an urn which it is not.
Many different ways of doing this but I like to keep it simple.
Mate welcome. You can't keep it in an urn for two weeks. You are talking an urn used to heat water??? You should have got a big plastic tub from the shop, that is the fermenter and it can stay in there for two week no problem!!!
Hey guys, yea when I was saying Urn, I meant the big fermenting drum haha. all good, I might start the process this week, and failing any problems, hopefully will be ready to bottle when i get back. thanks for the coments.