Good Day
David Lipman, the publisher/owner of the magazine, dropped in at the ESB "phantoms" home brewers' meeting on last Friday night. He tried our beers, talked about beers and brewing as well as handing out a few copies of the magazines. If I can make few observations.
Dave is a great bloke, most sincere and genuine about beer, brewing and all aspects of the industry (and a good judge of beer going by his critical appreciation of the brews on offer that night).
I spent hours yesterday reading the magazine and found it most interesting. A great variety of articles, beer reviews, stories etc. All high quality IMHO.
The home brew section covers a few pages and covers the basics at present which is a good place to start. It is aimed at the full range of people interested in "real" beer and probably will encourage some people to take up home brewing
I found more brewing ideas re styles etc in the general articles (eg the Baron's article).
A couple of home brewers told me that they thought that $6.95 was too expensive. I don't, given the quantity and quality of the articles (how much is there in a No Idea mag?). Also I just spent over $16 for 3 kilos of melanoidan.
While I got my copy free I will be subscribing to the magazine (and count the cost as research).
I believe that this magazine deserves full support because of its quality.
ESB Peakhurst has copies for sale.
I have no financial interest in the magazine or ESB for that matter.
Just my opinions. :beer: