New Aussie Beer/brewing Mag

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Please Doc, I'm sure we don't need to hear about your digestion in the little room.

I headed along last night. Was a bloody good night too. Free beer courtesy of Hunter Beer, James Squires, Matilda Bay and Baron's. Luke from Hunter Beer was serving the Hunter Kolsch and Pale Ale on tap which was fantastic. :beerbang: Lucky I didnt have too far to go to get home...

I managed to have a chat with the brewery manager from Malt Shovel, a lady who does PR for Murray's and a bloke who distributes Erdinger. So some interesting people were there too.

The magazine has some good articles but I reckon they need to expand the homebrew section to include more all-grain material but maybe that will happen in future issues. :unsure:

Double A
It was at Deus Ex Machina in Camperdown. I was a late call up so got lucky :)
i got an invite but they didn't include any plane tickets
Its a good read if you can find a copy. Ill keep buying it as its an Aussie mag and is interesting to read.
I picked up a copy on wednesday, I havent really read through it yet but from my quick flick it looks like a worthwhile aussie mag, they look as though they like getting the boot in on mainstream megaswill and they seem to have covered a huge number of beers in the one issue. if they keep up this pace they'll run out of aussie microbrewed beers to review in the next few issues :p
I found the magazine in a newsagent I dont normally go to - good luck that was - So far I like the magazine and in fact I wrote an article for it which unfortunately suffered some gremlins on the way to the printing press - not happy Jan! Anyway it is good to have an Aussie beer mag on the stands again and for those of you that remember there have been a few but none have surived so lets hope this one does and lets all support it.

I am talking with the editor regarding stories for the next issue so here is your chance to throw some ideas out there BUT I will start a seperate post soon so we can collect ideas and thoughts in one spot so stay tuned. I have already mentioned to him about putting a little more all grain brewing info in there including featuring an all grainer and their system aka BYO

Until then happy reading.
Has anyone who subscribed received their copy yet? I subscribed the day this thread started (about 2 weeks ago) so am not all that concerned, but am keen to check it out....

I snaffled a copy straight out of the publishers hand when I was Potters on Saturday. I am still embarrassed that after many beers I asked him to sign it....WTF. He must thought this guy is makes people happy and I was very happy!

I quite like the magazine and think that we should throw our support behind it and give it a good chance of success.

No I am not affliated, I just think that for the special subscription rate of $26.18 for 4 issues offered in the first issue, it is well worth it. or you can subscribe online for $31.25

It is not a lot of money for some high quality reading. So lets get an AUSTRALIAN beer/brewing magazine up and running.

the contributors, editor and technical editor are all very sound beer/brewery people.

i havent got my subscription yet either waiting waiting.
i hope they do articals on craftbrewing as well as all grain with kits and kilos it would be good advertising for home brewing with regards to showing people how much fun it is and how humorous it can be.
will AHB advertise the sitethere for other no members to take a look ?

it would be nice also if some overseas micro,s told there stories as well.with some camra info and organic info.

well its all good our own mag at last.

Grabbed a copy 2day.
If anyone else in Adelaide is looking for it i found it in the newsagent situated on the bottom floor of the Myer Centre in the city.3/4 copies on shelf.
Good Day
David Lipman, the publisher/owner of the magazine, dropped in at the ESB "phantoms" home brewers' meeting on last Friday night. He tried our beers, talked about beers and brewing as well as handing out a few copies of the magazines. If I can make few observations.
Dave is a great bloke, most sincere and genuine about beer, brewing and all aspects of the industry (and a good judge of beer going by his critical appreciation of the brews on offer that night).
I spent hours yesterday reading the magazine and found it most interesting. A great variety of articles, beer reviews, stories etc. All high quality IMHO.
The home brew section covers a few pages and covers the basics at present which is a good place to start. It is aimed at the full range of people interested in "real" beer and probably will encourage some people to take up home brewing
I found more brewing ideas re styles etc in the general articles (eg the Baron's article).
A couple of home brewers told me that they thought that $6.95 was too expensive. I don't, given the quantity and quality of the articles (how much is there in a No Idea mag?). Also I just spent over $16 for 3 kilos of melanoidan.
While I got my copy free I will be subscribing to the magazine (and count the cost as research).
I believe that this magazine deserves full support because of its quality.
ESB Peakhurst has copies for sale.
I have no financial interest in the magazine or ESB for that matter.
Just my opinions. :beer:
I spent hours yesterday reading the magazine and found it most interesting. A great variety of articles, beer reviews, stories etc. All high quality IMHO.
I'd agree with most of what Barry has said - certainly there is enough interest to warrant the cover price. I don't agree that all the stoies are high quality - there are a couple of really crappy bits which take away from the rest of the mag, but most if it is either good or excellent IMHO.

cheers, Arnie :)
A couple of home brewers told me that they thought that $6.95 was too expensive

It pays to look at what you get for $7 with magazines. Is $7 a common price? And it is only four times a year!

Nature or New Scientist are pretty expensive weekly mags. OTOH National Geo is excellent value for money, ~$60 for 12 issues.

Does price largely reflect readership/distribution?
Does anyone else think subscribing seems counter productive? I'd happily pledge my cash towards getting the magazine for 12 months, even if there was no savings in doing so, but I'm not about to subscribe and be rewarded for my loyalty by paying more than If I'd bought the 4 issues from a newsagency.

4 issues at $6.95 = $27.80
4 issues via online subscription = $31.25

I understand that postage costs money, but I dont believe that newsagents are selling mags without making a little profit for themselves either.