Neighbourly Revenge!

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When they have finished at 3am wait 4 hours until they start getting a headache and play loud music, vacuum and use outdoor style tools, i find grinders and mowers the best.

If you do this every time they do it they will get the hint.
7am's an awesome time for hammer drills too. Use a blunt bit.
Next time they do it just don an ice hockey mask and run out with a chainsaw screaming obscenities. If that doesn't get em' to shut the f**k up, well, you don't wanna live there
i prefer the tooth paste on the car paint over the brake fluid as they do the damage getting it off.
ive also heard through certain channels that aviation hydraulic fluid will take a car back to bare metal and continue to keep paint from being adhered.
Some prawn shells pushed into the air intake at the bottom of the windscreen. Will smell great after a couple of days. Take a few beers to the next party (dosed with laxettes)

try wiring a squid/octopus on top of the gear box.
believe me it works B) he he he.......cheers.......spog.
sick vindictive bunch of bastards us h'bers
What kind of revenge are you going for here? The type where they'll just think it's bad luck or where you're openly trying to tell them to change their ways or **** off.

I'd either:

fill their car tyres with water, that'll cost them a lot in fuel and they'll never know.


Drink 100 beers and have as much protein as you can then Take a shit in a bag and put in a (preferably theirs) microwave and spread it over their.... everything.
If their petrol cap is of the locking variety, a little squirt of super glue in the keywell is a great way of revenge & leaves no hint to when or where it happened.

Cheers Ross
after several visits from the cops and the council/EPA the boys seem to have seen the errors of their ways. They even mowed our front lawn yesterday!
have you tried to make friends with them that way when you ask them if they could keep the noise down as you like your sleep and no longer party like them they might listen

when I was a young bloke if you f%*ked my belongings up or called the police / council on me with out first asking me to keep the noise down I would be pretty pissed off and the would be called back a number of times before something may be done about the noise
have you tried to make friends with them that way when you ask them if they could keep the noise down as you like your sleep and no longer party like them they might listen

when I was a young bloke if you f%*ked my belongings up or called the police / council on me with out first asking me to keep the noise down I would be pretty pissed off and the would be called back a number of times before something may be done about the noise

I think that messing with someone else's property is asking for trouble and then it would be tit for tat revenge until someone got hurt. The noise pollution laws are there for a reason.

If it is not obvious that a rock band/party at full noise at 2am on numerous occassions is unreasonable, then I doubt they will listen to anyone. Couple that with numerous visits from the police asking them to turn the music down and they would have to be pretty thick not to get the message.

I was specifically asked by the police not to go and talk to them. At 2am in the morning when enough is enough, I doubt many blokes with a wife and kids would go over to a party of young blokes that are obviously effected by alcohol and ask them to please stop their band.

After the council/EPA gets involved and they have a warning, next time it happens a fine and then another larger one and so on and so on. I believe if they pay no notice to the visits/fines, it is within their powers to confiscate the noise source.

We are turning into a society of no respect. When I was younger and partied, most of the time we did it in paddocks far away from residential areas, normally with a bonfire. If we had a party at a home in a residential area, we watched the noise, had RESPECT for our neighbours and dropped a little note in the letterboxes with a contact number if the party/noise got out of hand, but in reality everyone in the street already knew us
We are turning into a society of no respect. When I was younger and partied, most of the time we did it in paddocks far away from residential areas, normally with a bonfire. If we had a party at a home in a residential area, we watched the noise, had RESPECT for our neighbours and dropped a little note in the letterboxes with a contact number if the party/noise got out of hand, but in reality everyone in the street already knew us

Yep that's the way I rolled/roll. Recent brew day at Chappo Manor I made sure all the neighbours were informed, told to contact SWMBO if things were to roudy for them. Incident free party and neighbours that still talk to me over the fence. As Kirem said a little respect goes a long long way.

As for revenge come talk to Uncle Chap Chap I have friends in very low places ;) .

Hey Guys,

Last nite some guys who live in my complex had a party that went on till 5am (loud music, swearing, cricket in the street, etc.)
This isnt the first party either, they seem to go on every week/fortnight. they soil the pool, bbq area and the pool toilet (i clean the toilet/pool/bbq area for some part time work).

So i'm thinking of throwing my spent grain in their bin (after bin day of course) each week for a few weeks, what else can the craft-brewer do to piss his neighbours off???

Maybe yeast slurry, water, sugar, 2L coke bottle, drop over the fence?????? Help me guys!



Just lay a massive turd in a shoebox and wrap it nicely like this and leave it at their front door.
Try to be within earshot {but upwind when they open it}
It won`t stop the noise but you`ll get a good laugh, which is more than you`re getting now. :lol:
{I wouldn`t bother with a gift card to go with it}

yeah the lawnmowers at 7 in the morning will probably do it because I know it works >.<.
Our next door neighbours always open the window to smoke, the fumes easily floating through our house. Plus, after all these anti smoking laws, it makes us more sensitive to it.
But come brewday... oh it's glorious. Last Saturday night 10:30pm, That gorgeous smell of boiling wort & 140g of Saaz wafting across the backyard, and straight into their window. That glass almost broke when they slammed it shut!!
As for revenge come talk to Uncle Chap Chap I have friends in very low places ;) .

a little OT, i worked for a bloke in the UK who's mates had a business card that read Anywhere Anytime We Don't **** Around, anyhoo my car was knocked off and long story short is i couldn't report it stolen so these blokes found the car and the ar$eholes that stole it, kicked them in and returned the car, the fee paid for by the boss as well B)
How come you couldn`t report it stolen?

The to be father-in-laws classic! My guess anyway.

I had a major incident last night - one of the dogs next door barked until 2:17am.... Lets travel back in time to when I moved in her 10 months ago...

I was used to going to bed at 9:30pm on work nights. On the first night here I realised the main female dog barked every 20 minutes until 10:30, so I eventually had to accept that I had to delay my bedtime until 10:30 and my work stat time accordingly. Then the bitch's barking started extending to 10:45, then almost 11pm - all with major concequences on my work start time, as I need my sleep. Then about 6 months ago they changed the dog that slept on the balcony to a male (from the bark), and it has barked at particular intervals right up until 12:27pm vertually every night - so accurate is this dog, that I can and have actually set my alarm clock by its last bark - thats just wierd!?*!
So I have now been starting work at 8:30am instead of the 6:30 to 7am I would like - simply due to not being able to have a good nights sleep - let alone 6+ hours sleap per night. This has meant that I have delayed my bedtime until late, and thus make noise for the people who live below me - so there is a transfer effect - especially to the 11 month old baby which I dont like disturbing - and so I tippy toe around for its sake.
Last night, this dog barked at the normal times: 9:35, 9:55, 10:23, 10:57, 11:23, 11:52, 12:27 (these are from memory, but are barked in my brain) plus an extra 5 more times until 2:17am!!!! I was so stressed I was still not asleap at 3:10am, and at that point I figured - its too late to go to bed now! I wont wake up for work, and will get fired as I am on my last warning because of this whole f'd up sitch.

So I got up, brewed the first of 9 coffees today, and wrote them a letter\note.

The note was very friendly, and I summarised the above bedtime and work start time changes, and the fact that I was going to stay up all night to ensure I didnt loose my job today (actually got to work 1/2 hour before anyone else at 6:15am - but only because tuesday is a gym morning or one bloke, and another bloke rode his bike ~15km to work). I said "please, please, please can you stop the dog from barking. Please! And suggested that rather than the dog sleeping on the balcony where it can see every cat or whatever it is barking at, perhaps putting it in the den with the other dogs would be the idea? While others would certainly be calling the police or council to complain, I am writing this note instead.

And tonight - one tiny little growl about 7pm, but not the usual massive bark every 20 to 40 mins! Oh the peace is heavenly!

Now the only hard part is getting drunk enough to avoid the dreaded 36 hour (getting used to staying awake brain mentality - Brain says I'm getting used to this - lets stay up until 54 hours straight!) NO BRAIN! BEING AWAKE FOR 54 HOURS STRAIGHT IS BAD! DONT YOU REMEMBER? (no!) F' YOU! tAKE THIS BEER AND THAT!

You see the hard part is overcomming the amount of caffine I ingested today, and at present have been awake since 6am monday? So thats 38.5 hours. Worst part, still not drunk enough to counteract the caffine or anywhere near passing out - I could actually go for another day. Just called a cab to go get something stronger - tequila me thinks! Suggestions? Yep got tequilia, just had one sip, and adhering to beer regulatins will now ban myself from the site for the rest of the night by shutting down all brewsers and pc, and tying them in a knot! Knot kidding! Oh no, taking effect on the puns. Evil in a bottle!
Lol, that post reminds me of the 100 SMS long messages i get after my mates have gone on a bender! You sure its just caffiene bandito ;)
Some prawn shells pushed into the air intake at the bottom of the windscreen. Will smell great after a couple of days. Take a few beers to the next party (dosed with laxettes)

Or a bottle of fish sauce, easier.

Fish sauce is great stuff. A mate of mine, whilst in Vietnam, was in a helicopter transporting supplies to a friendly village and the VC on the ground bazookad a big container of fish sauce on board. The helicopter never flew again, it was impossible to get rid of the stench even after several hose downs, so the helicopter got cannibalised for parts. Another variation on this that I have long dreamed of, but never been able to put into use is:

2L plastic cordial bottle
500 dex
a bowel motion preferably after vindaloo
1000 fish sauce
Coopers kit yeast

Velcro patch glued onto the bottle.

Gain access to vehicle and put bottle on its side hidden under passenger seat, with velcro patch face-down onto carpet so it doesn't slide and draw attention to itself.

Two days later, or less, kaboom. :icon_cheers:
Fish sauce is great stuff. A mate of mine, whilst in Vietnam, was in a helicopter transporting supplies to a friendly village and the VC on the ground bazookad a big container of fish sauce on board. The helicopter never flew again, it was impossible to get rid of the stench even after several hose downs, so the helicopter got cannibalised for parts. Another variation on this that I have long dreamed of, but never been able to put into use is:

2L plastic cordial bottle
500 dex
a bowel motion preferably after vindaloo
1000 fish sauce
Coopers kit yeast

Velcro patch glued onto the bottle.

Gain access to vehicle and put bottle on its side hidden under passenger seat, with velcro patch face-down onto carpet so it doesn't slide and draw attention to itself.

Two days later, or less, kaboom. :icon_cheers:
Oh man....
At least you wouldn't have to worry about sanitising that cordial bottle.

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