Need Vienna Recipe

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Hello All,
Could anyone post a simple vienna recipe for approx 20 ltr BIAB.Not too many ingredients and preferably one hop addition.
I have some carapils,carared,carafa111,simcoe and riwaka hops if they can be used and also some
recycled us-05 yeast.
Vienna might be a bit more complex than I want to try but if trere's a simple one out there I'll give it a go.
Thanks Guys.
P.S. Got no temperature control or other special gear,I ferment in a old freezer,not going.
Vienna Lager? ... if so I'm not sure that US05 fits so well, and even in winter if you want to lager it a fridge is almost-essential.

This is essentially what I'll be brewing later this week:
50% Vienna, 25% Pils, 25% Munich, a touch of something for colour (like Carafa Special).
Hallertau @60mins to 26IBU, plus a small (optional) addition of Hallertau @10mins.
WLP833 yeast, ferment at 10C for 2-3 weeks, lager @ 2C for 4+ weeks.
Erm no temperature control, no lager yeast.....

Whack together a nice ale with those ingredients and you should be right. What base malt are you intending to use?
A nice ale to be made for sure,but nothing that suits a Vienna Lager,Vienna Malt for a start.Consider purchasing the correct malt for the style first,then the appropriate yeast,then the ability to lager.The only way, really, to make a Vienna.. :icon_cheers:
Vienna Lager? ... if so I'm not sure that US05 fits so well, and even in winter if you want to lager it a fridge is almost-essential.

This is essentially what I'll be brewing later this week:
50% Vienna, 25% Pils, 25% Munich, a touch of something for colour (like Carafa Special).
Hallertau @60mins to 26IBU, plus a small (optional) addition of Hallertau @10mins.
WLP833 yeast, ferment at 10C for 2-3 weeks, lager @ 2C for 4+ weeks.

Last time I checked WLP833 isn't US-05 either

Get a decent lager yeast for a Vienna, as stated in the recipe for Vienna Lager I linked to. In the dead freezer this time of year even up here with ice bricks I think you could maintain 12c easy

25% Munich, that's a lot of Munich for a Vienna based beer

check out the weyermann site, looks good to me :icon_cheers:
......,may need to scale it a bit

edit; already scaled in BS, I used chinook but that's not what they asked for,

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 26.33 L
Estimated OG: 1.053 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.014 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.08 %
Estimated Color: 11.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 40.1 IBU
Bitterness Ratio: 0.762
Brewhouse Efficiency: 69.30 %

Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.00 kg Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) Grain 89.60 %
0.58 kg Caramunich II (Weyermann) (63.0 SRM) Grain 10.40 %
22.58 gm Chinook [13.00 %] (90 min) Hops 32.5 IBU
26.68 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (15 min) Hops 7.5 IBU
26.68 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (0 min) Hops -
Many thanks for all the replies.They are all greatly appreciated.The general opinion seems to be that I may be hard up doing a vienna with what I have but that's ok.
Yes I have been making good ale using Nick J D's 9 ltr recipe for 20 liter batches,it's good stuff.I just ran out of aussie ale malt so thought I might try something different.Might try a different ale recipe now.I love the stuff.
Once again thanks everyone.
I'm currently lagering a Mexican style Vienna, ala Dos Equis and Negra Modelo. It was:
77% Vienna
6% Polenta
6% Pilsner
5% Wheat Malt
4% Crystal 80
2% Chocolate

Based on various recipes from US boards etc. OG 1.046, 20IBU (Saaz and Tettnager) and Swiss Lager S189 yeast, at outside ambient. Which is about 15C at the moment. Gonna bottle tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm currently lagering a Mexican style Vienna, ala Dos Equis and Negra Modelo. It was:
77% Vienna
6% Polenta
6% Pilsner
5% Wheat Malt
4% Crystal 80
2% Chocolate

Based on various recipes from US boards etc. OG 1.046, 20IBU (Saaz and Tettnager) and Swiss Lager S189 yeast, at outside ambient. Which is about 15C at the moment. Gonna bottle tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes.
A nice recipe,but for a Vienna i'd personally omit the crystal ,wheat and deff the choc malt ,no need for those grains at all in a Vienna IMO.Vienna as a base ,and a touch of Munich,#1 or #2,to define the malt profile, and Pils ,if anything, is all you need . :icon_cheers:
Yah, well, the only Viennas I've tried are the Mexican versions, so that's what I'm aiming for. I pretty much just merged two or three American clone recipes for Mexican style Vienna, left out the CaraPils (so overused in US recipes) and scaled for my "system".

I'm sure it won't be a "true" Vienna, but I'm excited to try it back to back with a Mexican import...looking at it now, it seems a bit complex, but it all made sense at the time. Vienna base, corn for the adjunct (Mexican style,) a scattering of pilsner to make sure the corn converted and wheat, crystal and chocolate as per the aforementioned recipes.
Hello All,
Could anyone post a simple vienna recipe for approx 20 ltr BIAB.Not too many ingredients and preferably one hop addition.
I have some carapils,carared,carafa111,simcoe and riwaka hops if they can be used and also some
recycled us-05 yeast.
Vienna might be a bit more complex than I want to try but if trere's a simple one out there I'll give it a go.
Thanks Guys.
P.S. Got no temperature control or other special gear,I ferment in a old freezer,not going.

You've got a lot of the ingredients to make my Brown Ale. I love using Vienna as the base malt in my browns. Subbing Riwaka for Citra could work too.

As others have said, without lager yeast or temp control, making a Vienna lager might be hard work.
Bumping this thread as there are obviously some Vienna dudes here - I'm doing a real Vienna today with just 100% V, noble hops etc.

I note the BJCP guide says "moderately hard water with high levels of carbonates". I'd been just going to put some Calcium Chloride into RO water, but I also have Calcium Carbonate.

I haven't used Calcium Carbonate for a couple of years as several people have posted that it's evil, evil, evil - Fourstar for example -

So what's with the high carbonate water? comments?
Dunno, but braukaiser has some water profiles on his site (incl chalk) that suit various german styles if you're interested.
So what's with the high carbonate water? comments?
The water profile for Vienna is high hardness but low in chloride and sodium, hence if you wanted to match that you'd be using Epsom Salts, Gypsum and Chalk.
AHA, didn't realise about the chloride thing - that's why I was going to add CaCl2 to veer more malty, I have all those salts so looking good.
My latest 'Vienna' lager is:

75% JW Pils
20% Wey Munich I
2.5% Choc
2.5% Melanoiden
OG 1.050
Tettnang and Perle to 27 IBU, with ~0.75g/L of that at 20 min
WLP833 @ Adelaide winter garage ambient (~13C)

The first cube has fermented out and was kegged the other night. The second cube will be pitched as soon as I get around to it.

A similar beer using WY2038 and Pacific Hallertau scored about 41 at SABSOSA last year. I don't lager as I don't have temperature control, just a long fermentation as low as achievable.
As for needing a designated fridge set up ;
I'm going to have a go at brewing a Vienna as well except I don't have a designated fridge set up for fermenting lagers but as its winter I thought I will have a go at fermenting in kegs which I will place in an esky and control the temp by adding water to the Esky and regulating the appropriate temperature though the addition of adding ice, I'm hoping with the cooler weather and insulation on the esky the temp shouldn't change to much. Once fermented I can lager it in a fridge.

My esky has been set up as a kegerator however I recon if the kegs arn't full and the gas poppet is placed at the top when the kegs are lying down I may be able to use the gas post as a blow off valve.


Anyway well see how we go, can only try. Fingers crossed
Recipe: North Of The Boarder Vienna
Brewer: JT
Asst Brewer:
Style: Vienna Lager
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 30.28 l
Post Boil Volume: 25.48 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 23.00 l
Bottling Volume: 22.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.048 SG
Estimated Color: 20.3 EBC
Estimated IBU: 26.8 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 76.7 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
1.54 kg Weyermann® Pilsner (4.0 EBC) Grain 2 28.9 %
1.36 kg Weyermann® Munich (Type 1) (15.0 EBC) Grain 3 25.6 %
2.36 kg Weyermann® Vienna Malt (7.0 EBC) Grain 1 44.4 %
38.00 g Hallertau Pacific Whole Flowers [6.00 %] Hop 5 23.7 IBUs
14.00 g Hallertau Pacific Whole Flowers [6.00 %] Hop 6 3.2 IBUs
0.06 kg Weyermann® Carafa Special 1 (900.0 EBC) Grain 4 1.1 %
1.0 pkg Bohemian Lager (Wyeast Labs #2124) [124. Yeast 7 -
60.53 Items 375mL Bottle (Bottling 0.0 mins) Other 8 -

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 5.32 kg
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Mash In Add 13.96 l of water at 73.4 C 66.0 C 60 min

Sparge: Batch sparge with 3 steps (1.49l, 10.13l, 10.13l) of 73.0 C water

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