National Comp - Anawbs 2006

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wee stu

wee stu's brury - hand made beers, award winning l
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The dates for the 27th annual ANAWBS (Australian National Amateur Wine and Beer Show) have been set.

Closing date for entries: Friday 29 September 2006

Beer Judging: Friday 6 October and Sunday 8 October 2006

Awards Presentation Day: Sunday 15 October 2006

We have secured the International Centre at Regency College of Tafe, Adelaide as our venue again.

All the beer classes from 2005 are returning, with the exception that the Mash Paddle All Grain beer will this year be a robust porter as Chiller reported in the mash paddle announcement

The following classes have also been added to the 2006 roster:

India Pale Ale
English Mild
American Brown Ale

Full style guidelines for these will be posted on the ANAWBS web site - in the new year.

Speaking of the web site, look out for an updated and expanded version in 2006.

Remember, ANAWBS is a truly open national competion. We welcome entries from all States and Territories. Happy brewing
Looks good, stu. If I get my act together then ANAWBS can expect a robust porter, english mild, american brown and india pale from me, at the least.