My New Beer Storage (upright Freezer - Lots Of Pics)

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As I have got a lot of inspiration from this forum I will show my new beer storage make from an upright freeezer, and a FrigdeMate.
Time had learned me always to start with the end, so her is the final result:
The freezer is located in my basement workshop.

First I make a frame for the top

The front plate is made by plexiglass. First one broke but the second one was fine
The switch is for the two fans I will put in the freezer later to avoid/reduce moisture. I make the wiring, so the fans is always on, unless you turn off the switch.

To avoid drippig directly on the fans I make a two plates from and plastic chopboard bought at a discountstore:

As spacers some nuts and bolts came to use:

Mounting in the freezer is done with some wirestrips

To protect the wire from moisture I heatcrimped the wire and give it som electricall tape before moutinng them in the freezer:

Soon the internal wiring was finish and a check that everything was working properly was done;

There was som plexiglass left over and I used it to make some signs for each shelve in the freezer.
The beertype is written on painting tape and can be change when new beers arrives.

The last thing to do was to connect the FrigdeMate to 220V and fix the plexiglass frontplate to the frame

I am very pleased with the final result

Thanks for reading my post :D
Nice work there Flemming. Very neat setup

Cheers SJ
Great pics on the build there.
Well done.
Now just need to add some taps and kegs! :p
Thanks for your nice comments :p

I do have kegs - but I like the feeling of pouring my beer from a bottle.
Beside that I think it is easier to hand over a beer or two to friends, neighbours and family

The sediment sets on the side of the bottle and normaly my beers are very clear. So for me it is not a problem.

Regards from
Great to see what you have been up to Flemming. It has been ages!

It looks as though you have been keeping your engineering mind busy :).

That is a very clever use of an upright freezer with shelves. How many bottles can it hold?

All the best to you,
Great to see what you have been up to Flemming. It has been ages!

It looks as though you have been keeping your engineering mind busy :).

That is a very clever use of an upright freezer with shelves. How many bottles can it hold?

All the best to you,

when the next brewday Pat...

last one i went to was grouse!
Hey Flemmsy what temp is youre tempmate set at? & what is youre power source for the fans ?

cheers rudeboy
About 100 bottles (1/2 liters) of the finest danish homebrewed beer B)
At first I did not like the freezer due to the fixed shelves, but then the seller cut the price with 50% and one hour later it finds it new loaction in my basement.
I managed to sold my much older, and smaller chestfreezer to nearly the same price, I payed for the new one. So wife did not complain for one times sake.
Funny enough my other and smaller frigde I normally use for bottom-fermenting set on fire two days later. So I am hunting a new (cheap) soloution for fermenting Bocks .

BTW: I just checked - my first post in the thread "Das Braumeister" was 3 years ago. That thread lead to yours worldknown/-famous BIAB-system. Time is flying!!
I still visit the AHB very often, but use most of the time reading.

For a long time I have collected parts for at new 55-liter setup similar to my present "All in one brewery"-system. I have a 60 liter pot with builtin gasburner, a bucket-strainer in stainless steel, two actuators to lift the strainer when mash is finished, two peristaltic pumps, and 25 liters converted keg with gasburner for spargewater, material and motor for at stainless stirrer, some electronic temperature controllers and so on to make a new bigger system similar to the wellproven concept I brew in today.
I hope I get time this winter to assembly everything on a brewrig but work take so much of my time ;)

Here is a picture of the parts. Hope it shows you in what direction I am going

The setting is between 0 and 3 celcius. Maybe I will adjust it to 0-8 later.
As powersource for the fans I used a transformer from a broken outdoor christmaslight with 12 output.
My original plan was to use a fancontrol, but the one I bought from Deal Extreme had a buzzer inside thats keep whining cause to the lack of info from the motherboard.
When I tried to disassemble the unit the print broke so I dropped that idea.

Flemming, please excuse the slow reply. I have been under the pump and have resorted to working backwards through correspondence :rolleyes:.

I just wrote in my last post about the, "Das Braumeister." It is a long time ago! I've always given credit to James Sqire for asking the original question. I trust your first posts were in his original, "All In One Brewery," thread, otherwise I may have been short-changing you all this time. I'd hate that!

I think we might have our first BIAB coming up in Greece shortly and it seems to be starting up well in America, New Zealand and the UK.

Your posts/pics in those early days were certainly ones that made us continue exploring with enthusiasm. Good on you!

I am just looking at your pic in the post above. My goodness!

I have a lot of questions but my first is how you made the basket.

Very impressed!

P.S. Second question is, What are those 'walking sticks' leaning up on the left?
P.S. Second question is, What are those 'walking sticks' leaning up on the left?
PP I think they are the actuators Flemming is referring to for lifting the mash strainer bucket.
All we need now is to get RandyRobs HABS controller system interfaced and there can be a hybrid, RIMS, BIAB, HABS system on the go!!
What the d...

I wrote a long answer last night explaining what the purpose of each part is. But it is gone. Very mysterious and one ours writing evaporated :(

But ausdb is right - they are actuators from a hospital mecanism to raise paralysed from flat to upright position. And they will used to lift the strainer out the worth.
I do not think it will be automatic. When I brew I like the fact that you dont have to do nothing else than have a beer, take a smoke and talk with your buddy and visitors coming by.
A brewday for me is relaxing and cosy.

Maybe I will rewrite the answer I make yesterday. If not I will make a new thread when building starts.

LOL ausdb :D

Flemming, so sorry you lost your post. That sucks! We'll look forward to your progress though for sure.

By the look of the below, I think you are an Australian in disguise.


When I brew I like the fact that you dont have to do nothing else than have a beer, take a smoke and talk with your buddy and visitors coming by.

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