My Home Brew

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hi Guys,

I am fairly new to this forum. So Hi to all.

Well I had a tops night last night.

Put down 2 batches.

Batch 1.
Was the MSB - Two Row Larger, Not sure how this will turn out got it on special for $9 a can so its shouldn't be to bad. Smelt real nice when I was mixing it up on the bench top

SG - 1048

Batch 2.
1 Large Paint Tin of Xtract Black from the Country Brewer
1.5L of Light Liquid Malt
Dry Hopped with Goldings Hops.

SG - 1058

Should turn out quite nice

I am fairly new to the old home brew so I am still trying to get upto speed with all the terms.

Lucky the local brew shop is helping me out.

Once I get some more experience with Kits and Parsal grains I would love to move onto all grain stuff.

My First batch was a coopers pale ale which was awsome - I bottled this one.

Since then I have bought a Keg setup and Have a Kilkenny Clone on tap and a Coopers larger with about 250g of crystal malt. Which tastes great.

Look forward to some more brewing though I would share my experience.

Ev :chug:
G'day kenny..
Sounds nice, like to hear how they turn out.
Windsor is only a stone throw from Quakers Hill... Might have to come up and make sure it all tastes good and your kegging setup is ok :p
Anyway, good luck with the brews!

Yeah for sure there is quite a few people in the western hills / hawksbury shire.

Definatly have to organise something
hey Kenny, good to hear you got the kegs going. I made the upgrade from bottles and hav only touched about 5 since. Too easy.

Keep it up.

I have to try and get a kegging setup up and going... Got the fridge there waiting, just need to get the rest of the stuff. I'll still bottle, but probably only the specialty/once a year kind of brew. Just so I can stick them in the back of the cupboard and forget about them (hopefully) for 6 months.


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