I was figuring on doing a mini mash and soaking the hops (or getting some in a bag) and then adding. I choose the hops that are in the recipe as they sound like ones that I could get in a tea bag.
Thanks for the advice people. :beer:
As people may see, I used the kit & beer extract designer to come up with this. I used the Craftbrewer site to get information about the different ingredients.
As for the hops, I was going to steep them with the grain, not boil them. They were being used more for aroma than anything. If that is the wrong way to do it, then I am sure that I will find out about it, but I know that beer recipes are all about trial and error, and I can live with that. It is one of the things that I thought the spread sheet was for, and what I am aiming for is something with caramel like flavouring.
dth, I might get some Windsor yeast, it seems that it may be a good one for this. I can save the US05 for later. I also steered away from chocolate malt grain because I am not that keen on coffee flavours anymore. I used too like it, but not any more, even to the point where Tooheys Old is no longer a favourite.
As for the hops, I was going to steep them with the grain, not boil them. They were being used more for aroma than anything. If that is the wrong way to do it, then I am sure that I will find out about it
I intend to do it the same way as I made a recipe from the Beer & Brewer magazine for Autumn 2010, page 77. For those that do not have it I will put the grain part here.kbe, can you detail your intended method in step form.
It may save you from disaster.
I intend to do it the same way as I made a recipe from the Beer & Brewer magazine for Autumn 2010, page 77. For those that do not have it I will put the grain part here.
Crack the grains, steep them in hot water for 20-30 minutes, strain and then bring to boil the resulted liquid (to reduce the risk of infection).
Bring 1 litre of water in a pan up to 70C. Add the grain and turn off the heat and put on the lid. Leave for 20 minutes then strain through a sieve in to the fermenter. Rinse the spent grains with a litre of cold water and discard. This was when I was going to add the hops. Sorry, I said steep before when I should have said mash.
For the rest I was going to follow the standard kit and kilo type method.