My Apple & Rasberry Cider Recipe. Very Nice!

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I am beer brewer & drinker by trade, but I always have either a cider or a ginger beer on tap as a refreshing alternative.

Here is my very nice & simple Apple & Rasberry cider recipe for anyone who is interested.

I make it up to 25 ltrs


1. 1 X Black Rock Cider Kit for your base.
2. 2 kgs X white sugar
3. 2 ltrs of either "Just juice" Apple & Pear Juice, or "Berri" Apple & Pear Juice (no preservatives)
4. 1 ltr of "Extra Juicy" 90% Rasberry friut juice cordial (also preservative free)
5. Kit yeast


1.Mix 2-4 ltrs of boiling water with your sugar
2.Add Kit contents and stir in
3.Then mix in your apple & pear juice and your cordial
4.Top up your fermenter with water to the 25 ltr mark
5.Pitch & stir in the kit yeast

Give it 10-14 days in the fermenter @ 24-26 degrees C

Your starting gravity will be around 1.068-1.070 and it will finish at around 1.018-1.020, giving you a final alcohol % of 6.3%-6.5% a/vl

Even though it is quite a strong brew it is remarkably smooth and very easy to drink.

Finishes sweet so no need to add any lactose

Great for the summer, very refreshing, very flavoursome and your misses will love it too :)


I reckon my wife will love this, thanks for the recipe, and with the strength of it, it will last her forever!! :D

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