Musical Equipment Porn!

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"Grains don't grow up to be chips, son"
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here goes...Last night, Cocko, Silo Ted and Funkyyyy were talking about our guitars and i thought it would be a cool idea to get a post started for all the muso's who are brewers and want to share pic's of gear they use...

Here's SOME of my stuff.

I am a professional musician, and private music tutor, specialising in drums, guitar and bass. My "bread and butter" is drums (have a degree in it), but spend my spare time playing guitar, both privately and in a local band around the local pubs...

Here's some pics of my "girls" and some of the thing's i stand on....

Main Guitar: PRS 1997 Custom 22, with bird inlay, Dragon II pickups, coil split electrics, stoptail bridge. Loverly guitar. A few cosmetic bumps as you would expect from a guitar that is 15years old...Neck pickup for smooth lead work is absolutely mind blowing...The more astute of you guitar players will notice i've swapped the original knobs for knurled chromed ones. Still have the original black and clear ones, just prefer the chromes...

Backup Guitar:

Fender '50's Player's Stratocaster - Single ply pickguard, vintage tuners, perfectly straight neck, replaced the stock standard pickup for Seymour Duncan JB Junior single coil humbucker.

Nice guitar. Was my main guitar until my PRS came along....

Here is the backup for my backup....

Poor mans Jem Universe (Steve Vai model)

Nice guitar, lots of sharp bits, locking tremelo for all the dimebag "bombs". Just not as useable as the above two guitars....A lot of fun though...

Very nice man, I only have one guitar now as I gave my cheapy to my son to play around with

Kramer stagemaster is my weapon of choice

Here's some of my effects, have a few more, but these ones are the more "permanent" residents on my floor board...


1. Vox Wah. You know the one. Bog standard wah pedal.
2. MXR Super comp. Not a bad compressor, useful for smoothening out my strat in particular as it has staggered pole pieces. Top E and B strings tend to be a lot quiter than the other 4. Good for funk and lead stuff.
3. ULBRICK Phat Axe Overdrive - Awesome handbuilt overdrive by Dave Ulbrick. Doesn't have the midrange hump like tubescreamers do. Very nice pedal. Nearly always left switched on...
4. MI Audio Crunchbox - "marshall in a box" pedal. And yep, it does sound like a cranked marshall....
5. Hand made foot switch pedal for my amp (Orange Dual Terror). The original channel switcher is huge, made this to fit on my pedal board.
6. MXR Micro Amp - very simple but effective boost pedal.
7. Vox Time Machine Delay - Satriani signature model delay pedal. Awesome unit, digital and analogue, hi-fi, and lo-fi, tap tempo, very cool.
8. MXR Smartgate (noisegate). Very good noisegate. Not sure i need it anymore so have been thinking about selling it. Useful for cleaning up the strat on overdrive sounds, but otherwise useless for me. The PRS is dead quiet when i'm not playing it.
9. Korg Pitchblack Tuner - excellent tuner, with four different modes of tuning - normal, strobe etc....

Couldn't take a pic of my amp as it is getting repaired (valves are rooted). But i'm sure you know what an orange amp looks like....

Lets see what the rest of you guys are playing, feel free to share....

Title should be musical equipment porn. I'm not a guitarist but I make ambient industrial soundscape and use a variety of guitar effects pedals, samplers and so on. Just stock pictures of the equipment I use rather than in situ. Same thing, less effort for me.

Lazy Sunday.

Boss pitchshifter:

Boss metal distortion:

Boss mega distortion:

Boss delay:

Boss reverb:

Boss super overdrive:

Bodd rotary pedal (leslie cabinet simulation):

Moog moogerfooger ring modulator (new):
Boss SE-70 effects processor (new):

Korg Electribe ES 1 drum rhytm sampler:

Korg Kaoss 3:

Korg microsampler (new):

Roland s760:

^Used in conjunction with Boss loop pedal:

(and aforementioned delay and reverb plus a VGA screen and SCSI drive, no need for pics):

^AND Korg microKorg:

Microsampler is a replacement for all of the above (roland related) as setting that up live is a massive pain in the balls.

Some other bits and pieces that are around but not much in use. Software for editing samples and recording/editing tracks, a couple of mixers, some bass effects processors that my partner uses when we collaborate etc.
Title should be musical equipment porn.

Agreed. Although for the time being here are some of my toys. Much more to follow in the next week (non-guitar)

And manticle, if you don't take pictures of your gear, it isn't counted ! Beaices, how else can we know if youre a good at housekeeping :blink:

ESP LTD (EC Series). I'm in love with the tone and feel of this more than any guitar I have ever picked up. It has a fat and heavy sound, and a playing feel that is inspiring me to play more. That's a good thing.


My trusty Fender Stratocaster (*ahem* Squire). Still gets a lot of use on a weekly basis, mostly for formulating ideas when producing electronic music. Note the damage, after a Pete Townsend-esque brawl with a speaker cabinet. I plan to artistically destroy this over time to make my gear look more punk-rock.


Ibanez SR 200 Bass with powered onboard boost. This was a cheap impulse buy (<$500), and I rarely play it at the moment, preferring instead to lay bass lines down electronically. When i get my shit together with a new PC, it will be used for recording 'real' bass lines.


These live on a Hercules Tri-Guitar stand, a heavy-duty accessory that is impressive in it's durability, and is fitted (as standard) with the auto-grab system for fast release of instruments. This will never fall over. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to house multiple guitars.

Behringer V-Tone GMX210 - Analogue modelling amplifier, housing 2 x 10inch cones, this rarely gets above '2' in volume.


The hippie backpacker ensemble, no roadies required. Mahalo ukulele & baby djembe


mAudio Controller - I use this a lot, several times a week. Hardly top-shelf equipment, but it's perfect for what I want in a controller.

Xaphoon (sounds like a cross between a clarinet and a saxophone) & Yamaha recorder

Yeah I agree with change of title. Sorry. Didn't mean to make it seem exclusive to guitar only. Can this be changed either by me or a moderator??? If I can do it, how??
My studio in its former glory:


These days - down sized when moved... had to make room for some fridges HA!


Studio axe on loan from old work: PRS 513 - 5 pick ups, 13 switch selections - you name the tone, it has it!


My axe is at the folks, will grab a pic next time I am there....
Bloody great studio you have there Cocko, mine is tremendously cheaper but ever so slowly getting there!View attachment 47922


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As you can see I am a huge metal fan, especially Metallica, although I must say the Epiphone Bullseye is probably the favourite to play. And then there is the Maton for strumming away on whilst the brew is boiling \m/(-,-)\m/
Love my guitars, love my brewing excuse crappy pics taken with fone.
Non players

1972 Gibson SG

1960's Maton - changed the bridge but quite rare


2008 Gibson SG Special Faded 3 pickup for when I wanna rock


200? Fender Strat with mid range boost on back knob for when I wanna be EC


Gretsch Electromatic Gold Top


Epiphone Firebird for when I wanna be Skynyrd or Winter


Mid 8-'s Fender acoustic with retro fit K&K puresound acoustic pup - Love tis guitar - you just can't replace 25+ years of beer, sweat and ciggys. Not the best sounding acoustic, but she's my baby.


Also have Yamaha pacifica, and a Cort acoustic/electric. Next buy will either be a Cole Clark FL2AC or a Martin of some sorts.
I use 2 hand built point to point wired valve amps. On is a direct replica of an early Fender - about 13 watts and an inbuilt tremelo. The other is 50 watts of pure excellent tone. Can make this amp sound like a Fender, Marshall, Vox etc. Built by a mate of mine.
Love my guitars, love my brewing excuse crappy pics taken with fone.
Non players

1972 Gibson SG
View attachment 47929

1960's Maton - changed the bridge but quite rare
View attachment 47930


2008 Gibson SG Special Faded 3 pickup for when I wanna rock

View attachment 47931

200? Fender Strat with mid range boost on back knob for when I wanna be EC

View attachment 47932

Gretsch Electromatic Gold Top

View attachment 47933

Epiphone Firebird for when I wanna be Skynyrd or Winter

View attachment 47934

Mid 8-'s Fender acoustic with retro fit K&K puresound acoustic pup - Love tis guitar - you just can't replace 25+ years of beer, sweat and ciggys. Not the best sounding acoustic, but she's my baby.

View attachment 47935

Also have Yamaha pacifica, and a Cort acoustic/electric. Next buy will either be a Cole Clark FL2AC or a Martin of some sorts.
I use 2 hand built point to point wired valve amps. On is a direct replica of an early Fender - about 13 watts and an inbuilt tremelo. The other is 50 watts of pure excellent tone. Can make this amp sound like a Fender, Marshall, Vox etc. Built by a mate of mine.

2 triple humbuckers guitars.... So F%RKING ROCK!

Nice stash!
Don't play the triples hbuckers much - mainly play the strat these days, and like to play the acoustic a lot. Got myself a digitech looper pedal which is great fun. I find that I have to work a lot harder on the acoustics, where as with the electrics I use backing tracks to jam with.
Also got a Cajon with a bass drum pedal, laptop snare and some noname cymbal. Wife wanted a drum kit - when she can coordinate herself enough to get a song out of this, then she gets some drums. Got a small 250 watt PA for jamming and parties.
All this fits in a small bedroom with a computer and 200 kilos of grain stored in containers.
Lifes not all that bad at the moment.
Don't play the triples hbuckers much - mainly play the strat these days, and like to play the acoustic a lot. Got myself a digitech looper pedal which is great fun. I find that I have to work a lot harder on the acoustics, where as with the electrics I use backing tracks to jam with.
Also got a Cajon with a bass drum pedal, laptop snare and some noname cymbal. Wife wanted a drum kit - when she can coordinate herself enough to get a song out of this, then she gets some drums. Got a small 250 watt PA for jamming and parties.
All this fits in a small bedroom with a computer and 200 kilos of grain stored in containers.
Lifes not all that bad at the moment.

Sounds like its pretty sweet mate! - good work!

Seriously, how the f*cking good is a Cajon for jam with the acoustic?!?! Check out the Meinl site for vids if you really need to know how versatile they are!

Love mine!

Agreed. Although for the time being here are some of my toys. Much more to follow in the next week (non-guitar)

And manticle, if you don't take pictures of your gear, it isn't counted ! Beaices, how else can we know if youre a good at housekeeping :blink:

ESP LTD (EC Series). I'm in love with the tone and feel of this more than any guitar I have ever picked up. It has a fat and heavy sound, and a playing feel that is inspiring me to play more. That's a good thing.

View attachment 47878

My trusty Fender Stratocaster (*ahem* Squire). Still gets a lot of use on a weekly basis, mostly for formulating ideas when producing electronic music. Note the damage, after a Pete Townsend-esque brawl with a speaker cabinet. I plan to artistically destroy this over time to make my gear look more punk-rock.

View attachment 47879

Ibanez SR 200 Bass with powered onboard boost. This was a cheap impulse buy (<$500), and I rarely play it at the moment, preferring instead to lay bass lines down electronically. When i get my shit together with a new PC, it will be used for recording 'real' bass lines.

View attachment 47880

These live on a Hercules Tri-Guitar stand, a heavy-duty accessory that is impressive in it's durability, and is fitted (as standard) with the auto-grab system for fast release of instruments. This will never fall over. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to house multiple guitars.

Behringer V-Tone GMX210 - Analogue modelling amplifier, housing 2 x 10inch cones, this rarely gets above '2' in volume.

View attachment 47881

The hippie backpacker ensemble, no roadies required. Mahalo ukulele & baby djembe

View attachment 47882

mAudio Controller - I use this a lot, several times a week. Hardly top-shelf equipment, but it's perfect for what I want in a controller.

View attachment 47884

G'day Silo,
what "sort" of strat is your Squire? Looks like my old one that was Japanese built, with a serial number on the headstock? Silver Fender/Squire logo??

If so, in particular, those guitars are beautiful. Whatever you do (if it's one of those guitars) don't trash it mate, you'll have plenty of people that would take it off your hands rather than see it put through a speaker cab...

Worth a bit of money to people that know what they are looking at.

Cheers mate,


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