Mountain Goat Fancy Pants

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Thirsty Boy

ICB - tight shorts and poor attitude. **** yeah!
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Was at the Goat last night nad had a try of the new specialty Fancy Pants Amber

Oh my bloody dog - what a beer.

For everyone that has been missing that stinky tip in a bottle of perfume hop aroma that you used to get in LC pale - well.... now you can get it in a beer thats brewed just up the road from me (good for me, dunno about you)

Its a good firm malty amber ale - with an absolute truckload of hop everything - Bitterness, flavour and AROMA - & again but bigger AROMA !!

The hop used is Galaxy and it's a mighty interesting hop. Not subtle, but interesting. Full fruit salad/tropical punch in both flavour and aroma - clean and not at all harsh on the bitterness. Very nice indeed.

A chat with a staff member revealed that this was a hopbacked beer and also the first time that goat has used whole flowers - methinks that the relatively new head brewer Jayne Lewis has brought along a chunk of expertise about extracting hop goodness from her old employer.

At any rate - the Fancy Pants is an extraordinary beer for hopheads - and they say they might well up the stakes to double IPA territory :blink: that'll singe the hairs off the inside of your nose

+1 for Fancy Pants

Great hop character from those Galaxy flowers; Piney, resiny, sappy and truckloads of passionfruit and rockmellon aromas.
Sadly only available on tap at the brewery by looks of things. We'll just have to put up with their regular inconsistent, variable quality offerings in the bottle. :eek:

Used some Galaxy myself yesterday. Wow very pungent out of the packet. In the boil it had that same waft as POR.

Warren -
At any rate - the Fancy Pants is an extraordinary beer for hopheads - and they say they might well up the stakes to double IPA territory :blink: that'll singe the hairs off the inside of your nose
Oh no, just when I thought it was cool to trim my nasal hair. Now I'll have to grow it again :icon_offtopic:

Thanks for the teaser. Not likely to get to Newcastle any time soon, I'll wager.
Any chance they'll still have it when I get to Melb. for the ANHC?

Yes - been brewed again. I had it at the Goat last Friday... still excellent, but because I am used to Galaxy now... not the revelation it was first time around.
I wonder if we could warrent heading there for lunch drinks one day.....probably too far away
I wonder if we could warrent heading there for lunch drinks one day.....probably too far away

Not open for lunch but im going there tomorrow night after work for some Rapunzel, an oak aged Belgian Abbey ale to be precise!

heres my guesswork on their recipe for the Fancy Pants from the description on their website.


Fancy Pants

OG 1.050
IBU 40 (bitterness is very similar to their IPA)
Colour (deep copper to light brown) say 16-17 SRM

90% Vienna
8% Weyermann Caramunich II
2% Weyermann Caraaroma (help saturate colour)

Cascade 30IBU @ 60 Min
Cascade 10IBU @ 15 Mins
Cascade 1g/L @ F/O

Riwaka + Galaxy 1g/l Each Whirlpool
Riwaka 1.5g/l Dryhopped 3 days.
Not open for lunch but im going there tomorrow night after work for some Rapunzel, an oak aged Belgian Abbey ale to be precise!

heres my guesswork on their recipe for the Fancy Pants from the description on their website.

Riwaka + Galaxy 1g/l Each Whirlpool
Riwaka 1.5g/l Dryhopped 3 days.

Reckon you might well be right with the Riwaka 4* - this time around it was a slightly different beer and Riwaka could explain it. The Riwaka ale they had on tap a while ago was a really good beer, and the current fancy pants shares so of its good traits.

The barrel aged Rapunzel is - well - I wish I liked it more, but I couldn't go a second glass. Its too oakey for me. If they were serving in smaller glasses I think I would have really liked the beer. But in a pot, by the end of it the flavour was starting to get cloying, and that put me off having another. In a smaller glass, it would have been gone before then, and I suspect I would have gone back for more with fancy pants to break up the monotony :lol:


dont suppose its available in a bottle from the brewery. love to try it

hmmm might be if you are lucky as one of those specials they sometimes have (e.g. the latest ipa release in bottles). will probabaly be expensive.
Reckon you might well be right with the Riwaka 4* - this time around it was a slightly different beer and Riwaka could explain it. The Riwaka ale they had on tap a while ago was a really good beer, and the current fancy pants shares so of its good traits.
The barrel aged Rapunzel is - well - I wish I liked it more, but I couldn't go a second glass. Its too oakey for me. If they were serving in smaller glasses I think I would have really liked the beer. But in a pot, by the end of it the flavour was starting to get cloying, and that put me off having another. In a smaller glass, it would have been gone before then, and I suspect I would have gone back for more with fancy pants to break up the monotony :lol:

Well they claim its got riwaka and galaxy in the hopback and dryhop addition of riwaka.

We used Cascade hops throughout the boil, hopbacked it with Galaxy and Riwaka flowers then dry-hopped it in tank with more Riwaka flowers.

did they have any un-oaked rapunzel available??!
Well they claim its got riwaka and galaxy in the hopback and dryhop addition of riwaka.

4*, Mountain Goat are happy to share their recipes, so a quick email should get you the answers.

cheers ross
4*, Mountain Goat are happy to share their recipes, so a quick email should get you the answers.
cheers ross

Yep, but that takes the fun out of it doesnt it Ross! ;)

Besides, they pretty much tell you whats in it on their website anyway, just without the %'s. Any able brewer should be able to get quite close by using the variables we already know. ABV, IBU, colour (from visual perception) and malts. All we need to guesswork is any malts they omitted to provide us or vagueness. e.g. crystal, their %'s and hopping schedule.

did they have any un-oaked rapunzel available??!

Yep, a new batch though. Honestly, it was a good beer and everything, but at least at the moment, not really what I'd call a Belgian blond (ish) ale. It was fruity and certainly an ale, but nothing like the last Rapunzel when it was this fresh (which is good because it wasn't) - nice enough, but far from what I was expecting given the last beer with this name.

Time though - the last Rapunzel changed dramatically for the better over a period of time, I expect this one will change too.
Had the Rare Breed 2013 Fancy Pants Amber last night
Dab of roast
Cascade and galaxy in kettel whirlpool amd fermentor

Great beer. Huge aroma on it. Lots of floral and fruit.
Good head
Probably on the darker side of the bjcp colour range.
Lovely malt backbone and lingering hop finish and a little bit of bitterness. Id personally prefer to back off the malt slightly or increase the 25min additons ie mid range bitterness.

Great little beer. Very tempted to give making a clonish version a crack. Lovely combo of cascade and galaxy and munich.
Tried it at The Union in Newtown last week and again on Saturday.

Very happy with the balance.

Now available in bottles, too!

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