Morgans Blue Mountain Lager

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Hi BrewGods,

I've got a tin Morgans Blue Mountain Lager goo and was wondering if anyone could throw me some recipe tips ? I'll try anything once !
I was informed of trying thus: (Heini clone of sorsts ?)

MBML goo
500g Dextrose
250g Maltodextrin
250g Malt (was maybe going to add another 500gm)
Hallertau hops (boil in bag 10 mins) standard method just before pitching yeast @ 24-25 deg

  1. Should I use can yeast ?
  2. Was thinking of using S-04 or US-05 yeast ?
  3. Is the xtra 500g Malt not necessary?
  4. Brew temp of 18 deg
I'm only a n00b to homebrew so any info would be much appreciated !
Between mates who've made homebrew and the info from the HBS there's so much conflicting info that I thought i'd ask the experts who are actually "out there in the field" !
I'm sick of having arguments that you need to brew an ale at 24 deg! :angry:

Jase :beer:
Mate this is my all time favourite kit, i've used heaps of them over the years. consistently excellent quality beer from these. I reckon a lot of it is due to the yeast as well.

my top recipes:

1.5kg liquid malt extract (extra pale)
300g corn sugar
20g cascade for 20 mins
20g amarillo for 20 mins
20g amarillo dry hopped


1.5kg LME
500g Dex/Maltodex mix
20g challenger for 15 min
20g challenger dry hopped

use the kit yeast, it's awesome. ferment it at 17-18 degrees if you can, but it's solid right up to 25 if your temp control is poor.

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