Morgan's Bishops Bitter 1.7kg

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I put one of these into primary over the weekend and will be interested to see how it develops.

Had a quick look on the inter-web for some comments/ feedback, but nothing seems to be coming up - perhaps it is a new kit?

Anybody used one before?

I am still keeping it simple, and therefore didn't add anything in the way of hops/ grains on this one (also wanted to see what the 'base level' was like before playing with it too much).

Am looking to primary for about 2 weeks at 18-20 (used kit yeast - Brewmaster Ale yeast 15g), and will keep posted.
I think the kit is part of a new range that has been available for only a few months.I brewed the MBEB in January with LDME 500g,Dextrose 450g,Maltodextrin 250g and using the kit yeast.
OG was 1044 FG 1014 and it finished dark brown in colour.
I sampled it two weeks after bottling and hopefully it will improve with age.Especially as the kit cost $16.50
I suspect 2 weeks is a little early - I seem to have had a better result from my previous (a grand total of 3!!) brews after about 5-6weeks in the bottle.

As for the 'kilo', from memory my additions were 500g LDME, 250g maltodex and 250g dex, so it will be interesting to see if that makes any discernable difference.

Also, my OG was 1.058
After bottling this one last week, I figured it was time to test it out. A little early perhaps, but I was impatient!

Having done a 'normal' carb on most bottles (ie 1 carb drop per 375mls), I started with one of those to see how the experimental standard worked out.

Colour was great - nice deep brown, and very clear (I suspect as a result of leaving it in primary for 2 weeks, given that fermentation had pretty much finished after the first week) . Lowish carbonation, which was pleasant and what I was aiming for. The flavour was ok, but lacking a bit of punch - no real "bitter" after-taste (ie aroma and taste combined). However, this seemed to improve a bit after I let it warm up a touch. FG 1.014, so it is reasobly alchoholic and therefore not to style, but... :icon_cheers:

Having said that, hopefully it will improve with some age, as I am looking to let it sit for a couple of months or so.

Next time round I will have to try adding some hops, both bittering and aroma to get a bit more punch and depth to the brew.
Two weeks is not really long enough. Leave it for another 2-4 weeks. Usually I try to brew 2 or 3 batches ahead this means that I can leave a brew to condition for months (if necessary) before I run out of any older beer. You need to plan ahead more in order to keep the stocks up, but I find that it is well worth it.

Also, I would be interested to know how the Morgan's/Bishops turns out after a few more weeks. Please post an update to this thread when you try one, if you don't mind. :icon_cheers:

I made it with a kilo of Liq malt , 15g goldings hops & 150g corn syrup & filled it to 21.5 Lts. I've only tasted 1 stubbie after 4 weeks in the bottle. It was OK ,a little bland but pleasant enough.

It should get a fiar bit better after 5 months whne I plan to start drinking it properly

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