Peter Wadey
Well-Known Member
Yes I'll like it as well. :icon_cheers:
ha ha,
You forgot to ask him which bearings he had in it?
Yes I'll like it as well. :icon_cheers:
Nooo. There were a few others.
I remember agonising somewhat over the Valley Mill vs the JSP Maltmill.
A local brewer had one of Jack's Maltmills & it looked pretty good, but I think I went for the Valley in the end because for the same money I could get the adjustability.
Early on i discovered if I started the rollers with only a small amount of grain that I had no problems then with filling the hopper & milling the whole batch. (I still crank by hand)
My rollers still have plenty of bite.
What did you do with the mill?
Hey Pat,
I have hung up the traps for a couple of years, so I might get a bit more life out of mine
Edit: Ooops slow, very slow at responding
Had a look at the MM2. They want $122.00 for shipping. Cancels out any benefit of the Aussie $
I think I'll wait until Ross gets the hoppers organised for the Millmaster. I'll be using Aust. Post for delivery though.
Has anyone had any experience with These?
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I've had one of these for a while, $189 including hopper, can't lose and its already set up for a drill.