Mill - What To Buy, And Why, And Where?

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Had a look at the MM2. They want $122.00 for shipping. Cancels out any benefit of the Aussie $

I think I'll wait until Ross gets the hoppers organised for the Millmaster. I'll be using Aust. Post for delivery though. :p

Monster Mill 3 roller stainless plus hopper $61.00 US to Oz
Smoking is bad for you and a waste of money manticle. No smoking allowed here.

Gone fancy? Did you see my new taps?

View attachment 51678

Pretty nice looking but the view from your balcony pisses on all the bling. Add a good looking beer in there and you have a pretty good approximation of perfection. Hoepfully when I move to Tasmania 5 or so years from now, I can get something like it going.

Bling is nice too - I'm just jealous my balcony is a suburban verandah, my view is a bit of ashphalt and my neighbour's front yard and my bling is the 50th wooden test tube rack I made (about #50 since 1-49 got ****** up and thrown away).
Please share your secret :)

Monster Brewing Hardware LLC
240 Compton Drive
Fayetteville, GA 30215
[email protected]
(678) 350-1731

Remove Product Options Price Quantity Subtotal
6" long, 3-Roller knob adjustable gap drill drive grain mill
SKU: MM-3 Drive Shaft Size: 1/2"
Roller Material: 303 SS 236.00 236.00
Base & Hopper for Monster Mill
SKU: MM-BH1 For Which Mill?: MM-2 40.00 40.00

Subtotal: $276.00
Tax: $0.00
Shipping & Handling: USPS Priority Mail International - $61.00
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Total: $337.00

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Monster Brewing Hardware LLC
240 Compton Drive
Fayetteville, GA 30215
[email protected]
(678) 350-1731

RemoveProductOptionsPriceQuantitySubtotalBase & Hopper for Monster Mill - MM-2
SKU: MMHB-240.0040.00Extension set for Monster Mill Hopper
SKU: MM-EXT25.0025.006" long, 2-Roller knob adjustable gap drill drive grain mill
SKU: MM-2Drive Shaft Size: Std - 3/8"
Roller Material: Std - 1144 Steel117.00117.00
Shipping DestinationCountry:please Select Afghanistan Albania Algeria* American Samoa* andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina* Armenia* Aruba Ascension Australia* S.)* Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zaire (Congo Dem Rep) Zambia ZimbabwePostal Code:Subtotal:$182.00Tax:$0.00Shipping & Handling:USPS Priority Mail International - $122.00
(select your preference)Insurance is unavailable
Items are not insurableTotal:$304.00Promotions & DiscountsCoupon:

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Which mill did you try Mattress? I read somewhere on the site that the 2" ones cost alot more the post .....

Whats your post code?

When I put in the base model mill + base + hopper it gives me postage of $61
Which mill did you try Mattress? I read somewhere on the site that the 2" ones cost alot more the post .....

When I put in the base model mill + base + hopper it gives me postage of $61

Looking at the basic MM2
Maybe they just don't like me
Me too - loved my valley mill and after many years I've just this week replaced it with a mashmaster mini.

View attachment 51672

I own a Valley Mill as pictured above, many years ago brewers could buy a Valley Mill or a Barley Crusher and that was about it.

Now I've owned this little gem for 10 years and must have crushed many tonnes of grain with it, it still works perfectly. It has just one driven roller and never have I had problems with grain not feeding through as some suggest these types of mills suffer from Unfortunately Valley Mills are no longer made so one day I'll have to replace it but with what I don't know. I liked the old Millmasters but I have yet to look at the new lighter made versions, I have seen many Monster Mills and they do look good for the price.

It will be interesting to see the costing of the new Millmaster complete with hopper.

You also added the "hopper extension" I assume. that is why the postage goes up so much.

Yeah I was going all out. Took it off the order and it dropped to $61 shipping. Thanks for pointing that out. :blink:

Will have to do some more thinking re. my options
Good news on a hopper on the horizon - not having any mechanical aptitude myself I'll be wanting one of those for sure.

Millmaster will be coming complete with hopper shortly.

Buy once, buy right, it's seriously the best mill going.

Cheers Ross
Me too - loved my valley mill and after many years I've just this week replaced it with a mashmaster mini.

Did it die ?
I also have The Valley Mill. Works a treat but rollers slip on wheat if you don't throw in a handfull of barley to get it started.
Did it die ?

I bought it sometime in the mid-late 1990's - worked like a champion & over the past few months I started having problems drawing the grain through - just couldn't resolve it, so decided to call it a day. I've changed quite a bit of brewing equipment over the years but my valley mill was a constant.
Sigh, misses Valley Mill. Got 10 plus yeats out of it, including 7 in shops.

I've currently got two Monster Mill 2's with stainless rollers, with hopper $300 each. Hopper extension, $58. Handles and base plates also available

A good mill should be easy to crank by hand. It used to take about 5 minutes to do 4 or so kg by hand with my old Valley mill. Very therapeutic as well. If you are motorising a mill, about 200 rpm is a nice speed. If you run the mill too fast because your drill doesn't have enough torque, you risk scorching the malt.

Sigh, misses Valley Mill. Got 10 plus yeats out of it, including 7 in shops.

I've currently got two Monster Mill 2's with stainless rollers, with hopper $300 each. Hopper extension, $58.


I can remember forum postings from wayback - people asking for mill advice and valley was a winner - stories about them running for years & years in brew stores, just churning out the grain day in & day out. There should be a club for ex-valley owners & a commemorative website :). When I bought mine, there was valley and Schmidling - don't recall looking at other options.
It sounds like about 10 years life, I maybe on borrowed time.

Nooo. There were a few others.
I remember agonising somewhat over the Valley Mill vs the JSP Maltmill.
A local brewer had one of Jack's Maltmills & it looked pretty good, but I think I went for the Valley in the end because for the same money I could get the adjustability.

Early on i discovered if I started the rollers with only a small amount of grain that I had no problems then with filling the hopper & milling the whole batch. (I still crank by hand)
My rollers still have plenty of bite.
What did you do with the mill?

Hey Pat,
I have hung up the traps for a couple of years, so I might get a bit more life out of mine :)


Edit: Ooops slow, very slow at responding