Thanks to all involved in organising and judging. Great job on getting the results up so quickly!
Just wondering if there is any info on who won the major prizes, especially the 3 brewers choice awards?
Glad you asked, Take Your Chances:
Champion Beer was brewed by Todd Wade (No Club), whose American IPA scored 124 points.
Todd wins an Oxebar Fermentasaurus (plus pressure kit) from our sponsor
Keg King.
Champion Brewer prize goes to Rohan Lowe (Merri Mashers) who scores a carton of
Hawkers Beer and a personalised tour of the Reservoir brewery.
Tallboy and Moose Brewer's Choice Award goes to Dylan Toune (No Club). Dylan gets a day in the Preston brewhouse and the opportunity to talk beer and brewing with Dan, and sample some beers (finished and from the barrel).
Dylan also received the
Home Make It Consolation Prize for Best Beer That Won't Ever Be Brewed Commercially, receiving a $100 in-store voucher.
Clifton Hill Brewpub Brewer's Choice Award goes to Julian Robinson (Merri Mashers), who will get to rebrew his winning beer at the brewhouse in Clifton Hill.
The Craft and Co Brewer's Choice Award goes to Hamish Brown (No Club). Hamish will get to rebrew his winning beer, which will be exclusively available on draught at The Craft and Co, Collingwood, as well as being canned for wider distribution.
Club of Show was the Merri Mashers.
BeerCo have sponsored this major prize, with malt, hops, yeast, glassware and merch to be distributed amongst the members.
Best Novice will be advised when we have had the VicBrew database cross-checked.
Congratulations to all winners, and heartfelt thanks to all the sponsors.