Mashmaster 30l Conical - What Fridge/freezer?

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Thanks, Brad.
Reason I asked for a look at the welds was that from what I've read and heard 'round the traps there appears to be two polarised factions re. stainless steel concial fermentation vessels - the welded and weld-free.

The advantages of welded FVs are said to be no internal flanges, gaskets etc. where bugs can hide, and the use of zero tolerance, quick-release tri-clamp fittings (instead of threaded components (valves etc.) that can harbour bugs) which are easier to remove and clean.

On the other hand, the weld-free camp say that lumpy or poorly made welds can be a source of ongoing corrosion, and by implication a long-term home for bugs, that cannot easily be cleaned.

I suppose with a welded FV it comes down to the individual welder. A nice clean, steady run of weld without excessive or prolonged heat in any one area and they can come up a treat - as yours appears to.

Nice to see, too,that it is as smooth and polished on the inside as on the outside. All best for your brewing in it! And pls keep us posted on your own experiences.
You should be able to fit a 14.5 Gal (55L) Ferminator conical in a 400L fridge

OK, so it's been a while, but given that it takes me a while to do anything with power tools it is actually a quick job. This will be my setup for fermenting 25L batches in my 30L Mashmaster conical - thanks for those that have helped towards this project, it was lots of fun.

The shelf in place - looks kinda like a small dunny :rolleyes: . This is built from scrap around my garage. Structural 5 ply with 20mm X 50mm pine strip bracing together with left over steel lawn edging for added strength and the folded edge of the edging fitted in the shelf slot of the freezer perfectly.

With the conical in place. There is space near the top for me to put some of the standard shelving back in for cool conditiioning during summer if needed.

Closer shot that shows the shoddy workmanship

Also, thanks to AHB for the forum that helped me wire up the Tempmate for the freezer:

Now to build the control box for my electric BIAB kettle ........

Brew strong,
Looks good to me Whitewolf.

Can I ask, was the ss stand to wide to fit in the fridge? And was the ss stand optional, or does it automatically come with the conical?


OK, so it's been a while, but given that it takes me a while to do anything with power tools it is actually a quick job. This will be my setup for fermenting 25L batches in my 30L Mashmaster conical - thanks for those that have helped towards this project, it was lots of fun.

The shelf in place - looks kinda like a small dunny :rolleyes: . This is built from scrap around my garage. Structural 5 ply with 20mm X 50mm pine strip bracing together with left over steel lawn edging for added strength and the folded edge of the edging fitted in the shelf slot of the freezer perfectly.
View attachment 44156

With the conical in place. There is space near the top for me to put some of the standard shelving back in for cool conditiioning during summer if needed.
View attachment 44157

Closer shot that shows the shoddy workmanship
View attachment 44158

Also, thanks to AHB for the forum that helped me wire up the Tempmate for the freezer:

Now to build the control box for my electric BIAB kettle ........

Brew strong,
Looks good to me Whitewolf.

Can I ask, was the ss stand to wide to fit in the fridge? And was the ss stand optional, or does it automatically come with the conical?


The splayed legs of the stand didn't fit in the freezer. If the legs were vertical then it would have been fine. The stand comes with the conical - it is a great unit and if I could find a bigger fridge (this one took ages to find) then it would fit no problems. There really was only about 2cm in it. I'll still use the stand - probably for bottling - and I may get a bigger fridge/freezer in the future, but this works for now and was fun to build.
