I doubt you'll find anything relevant to this style there.
Your best bet would be to get someone in Adelaide to ship you some Palm Speciale, or order some De Koninck from overseas.
Rudy - do you have the name of that shop?
For maturation and timing purposes, is this normally at the end of November?
will people be adding brett and other beasties to there beer not sure how reliable this is but i heard palm speciale had a little bit of brett and obviously orval does... but is this more of a belgian specialty catorgy or is it welcome in this style???
I would presume any Brett related flavours would be scored as a flaw.
The best thing about the paddle is you get to focus on a style you may not usually brew and along the way you learn a bit!
I chose not to enter the paddle last year as it was outside my comfort zone.
This year the style is again, not something i have ever made but am taking on that exact philosophy. It will force me to learn about a style that i would have otherwise continued to ignore...![]()
I'm tempted by this one Dr. Smurts and I haven't even entered a single comp for 6 years
Not that difficult a style in theory. Just think English Bitter at the lower end of the hopping schedule with maybe some continental hops in the fold. A Belgian yeast strain to add a differing character (hard to get through at that gravity though) and Bob's your uncle unless he had tits then that would make him your aunty. :lol:
Warren -
Flavor: Fruity and lightly to moderately spicy with a soft, smooth malt and relatively light hop character and low to very low phenols. May have an orange- or pear-like fruitiness, though not as fruity/citrusy as many other Belgian ales.
Nothing should be too pronounced or dominant; balance is the key
The guidelines make mention of styrian goldings
Must have been the reason i bought a kilo of plugs late last year.....![]()