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I have recently joined this website and I must admit that i am new to the workings of all the things you can do, in regards to using the website. I am disappointed that i have Pm other members of this website only to have been ignored and disrespected by a show of non acknowledgement. I say to those members "get over yourselves and get a life" if you are unwilling to share your knowledge with your fellow brothers and sisters then I hope you don't have anything to do with this website!! i have enjoyed the communication i have had with several member and will continue to do so. The positive outways the negative!!

just had to get it off my chest
Big thumb ups to Butters!!!
I personally would avoid PMing people and simply make a post for all to see, better chance of an answer then....

And if it is a specific question regarding someones setup or similar, then a public post will be more likely to shame them into responding....;)
The first time you have a full inbox problem you may realise why you didn't receive a reply.

I will cross that bridge when i come to it, thanks screwy
Never had a problem with the forum and its members.
To Pm people as an unknown member is not always welcome either.
or simply, there isn't time to answer them all.
What I mean, people might take a bit of time to take you in, learn who you are and what are your needs.
After all we all start as absolute strangers.
This is primary a forum for all where a discussion can be started regarding specific matter of brewing.
Occasionally I have started threads that have no response at all to.
I started off by asking why I get a metallic flavour in my kit beers.
For 6 months no one answered it.
Then lately it has popped up several times.
Too late now I am brewing All grain only hehehe
We don't all have time to sit in front of the PC all hour of the day.
Patience is a virtue.

Throw out some general questions and keep them directed at one thing at a time.
Google, use search and wikipedia.
it is all there.
Brew on Dave-Bob :)
We are all after the same, How to brew beer the best we can.
:rolleyes: Fair call matti,
Just hope some of the members "get over themselves"
As i said the positive outways the negative!!
Pull your head in Bob -Dave,
Denouncing the people after less than a month using the site... ridiculous
Most of the repetative questions new brewers ask can easily be answered by the use of google,

To mis-quote a Morrissey song "If you want to get on here , learn the language"
Cocko, Mental note: Don't mention the search function. don't mentioned the search function....

Hey Dave Bob and welcome,

It would appear you have had some responses to this thread! SO maybe a post/thread is the way to go over a PM, as Screwey said there is an full inbox issue AND maybe you are PM'ing people who aren't online that much or have left AHB for their own reasons.. Holidays, sex... etc...

MAYBE be nice and the flow will come!!

Good luck and happy brewing!

B) Hey Sinkas,
you sound like an educated sort of ?
thanks for your input( have you ever thought of taking up the role of a grave digger)
cheers big ears
How much experience have you had with forums? If you spent some time around here, we in general view the site as a community (see 'what do you like about AHB), and as such it is best to approach the forum as such. It is unfortunate that you have had bad experiences, however as has been pointed out before, it's somewhat much to expect that your answers would be answered immediately because you asked- the site may be a source of a huge amount of knowledge, but it is ultimately not a question answering repository. We all have our own lives too, you know.

To top all that off, you reply to what were logical explanations for why people might not have the time to answer your questions with what is essentially rudeness. Respect from your fellow brewers is earned, not to be expected, and quite frankly telling people "have you ever thought of taking up the role of a grave digger" doesn't really fill the people here with positive thoughts of you.

These things happen. I have had questions not answered myself, but I haven't felt like I needed to start a thread about how I was all hard done by since an anonymous person on the internet wouldn't capitulate to my needs. I'm sure that you are a nice bloke (hell, you're a brewer, that gives something is good about you), and if you just spend time here you'll get to know the guys here, they'll get to know you as well, and you will be 'a part' of the forum. Hostility isn't the best way to achieve this ;)
Sorry I dont get the pun or the allusion Dave.
Tell Bob to hurry up with your slippers.

Oh and your poetry is dreadful
I started this topic with good intent!!!. , I also stated that the positives outwayed the negatives, So why would fellow members just pick out the negatives and try as they may to highlight these responses inorder to get self gradification!!
It's because despite your caveats, it just sounds like you're having a whinge in a period that the people on the forum are getting really sick of complaints.
You didn't PM me, ya f$%k'n p%$ck!

Then again, the positives outweigh the negatives...
If you ask a civil question it may be an asumption you would receive a civil answer. Am i whinging = No, just a person that believes human rights are such, Am i asking that as human being(at least some of us are) that it would be thought manners if someone took the time to assemble a sentence and wrote you an email the( within limits) deceit thing you couyld do as a form of higher learning mammal is to respond ( eg: not quote the term Dickhead, my friend you have a lot of growing up to do!!)
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i was almost on this dude's side for a second........
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