Making Cf Chiller

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wort goes out

all setup for testing...

should have some performance data later on :)

Okay, i picked a top day here to try this (its 33 deg here... ) cooling water going in (after cruising through my 18M of black hose sitting partially in the sun) was 25deg,

at a wort flow of 1.2Lpm and water flow of 5lpm wort output was 35 deg
at .6lpm and 3.5lpm it was 29
at .6lpm and 1.2 lpm my thermometer gave up...i would guess it was slightly warmer than the 29... but less than 35..

in winter, this is going to kick arse... in summer though i think im going to need a secondary chiller (i think it will be a copper coil in a bucket of ice...)
Does anyone else have any comparison figures for the CF's?
Hi Guys,
Having a go at my first A.G. on the weekend so decided to have a go at a cfc.
Just gave it a test go with 25 litres boiling water. Seems to work O.K.
Tap water temp 21 deg, Temp in shed 30 deg.
Did 2 tests. 1... Wort flow of 2.5 litres/min-water flow 2.750 litres/min. wort out
temp 25 deg
Test 2 Wort flow 2.5 litres/min-water flow 3.5 litres/min. wort out temp 22 deg
Fingers crossed for the weekend. Im getting nervous already.
