Maggot Beer

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  • Chuck it out now, that's just wrong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd at least crash chill it and decide later

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd keg it, have a sip, and if it seems okay keep going, always mindful to check each glass

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd just drink it who cares

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The annoying guy down the road HAS been nagging me for some homebrew...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Next case swap, you know what to do

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Use one of these, few $ at Bunnings, the filter(at top) is quite fine and goes inside bottom canister, good to keep maggots/hops :unsure: and other items out of the keg...
Insects are attracted to the CO2
Ive noticed the odd cockroach sniffing around my fermenting fridge.. Should I worry?? :blink:

Cheers clean brewer, that's actually what I used to use for distilling. Gunna definitely get one. Awesome.
Someone mentioned tequila already - the fruit fly maggots could be your "certificate of authenticity" similar to the tequila worm/grub. ;)

Seriously, if you knew of the critters on & in your fresh fruit & vegetables you wouldn't be worrying about 3 tiny maggots (which will likely dissolve anyway) in your beer. Not to mention what falls into an industrial sausage press - rodent hot dog anyone?

Reminds me of my cousin. He worked in a food plant that made ketchup for a summer. He hasn't touched ketchup since (20+ years now).
Yeah I imagine even commercial breweries must have insect problems from time to time.

And then there's all the rumours surrounding the Guinness brewery!
In some countries people would pay good money to eat those maggots!

Last I heard more people on the planet eat insects than do not. Low fat, high protein... not that I would care to, I'd fish em out at the end instead of drinking directly. No tequila worm for me either. I belong to the white people, the p****** who are shit scared to eat bugs :)

PS If you like lobster, thats like a sea insect :).... That group of people who are daring gormets that eat strange stuff to get a rush. They had deep fried tarantula on a stick and said it tasted just like lobster!
mmmm I wonder how many crawly things would be in our grain...
the more i think about this the more im going to definitely drink it, hell even look forward to it hahaha

Maggot Blonde Ale will be its name. I should make up a logo and everything.
I am sure maggots are clean. Used in the past to clean up septic wounds after battle (maybe still?) Drink it you will be fine. Ever eaten a wichaty (spellin) grub?

Go for it :D

I am sure maggots are clean. Used in the past to clean up septic wounds after battle (maybe still?) Drink it you will be fine.
So, would you go eat snails from your garden too? But people eat escargot...

Both surgical maggots and food snails are raised hygenically (medically sterile in the case of the maggots, or at least adequately disinfected). During war times, when maggots entered a neglected wound voluntarily, the wound was already pretty bad, and probably full of crap anyway. While I'm sure that the maggots on the fermenter wouldn't be terribly dirty, they won't be sterile. Nonetheless, it will probably be fine, and you do probably get more maggot per litre in apple juice anyway.
And if it makes you drunk, you'll have been maggoted by the maggots.
Ive drunk maggot barleywine before

couldn't taste them


I would drink the beer. Theyre in a sanitised environment so they havent been eating shit that's going to spoil the brew.

But then again I would drink metho.
I'd drnik it.

Been thinking about something else regarding insects, to be discussed in another thread later tonight.

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