I will make cash dealing the few hundred kilos of hop flowers I am storing.
It's a strange move to make, unless its purely symbolic and intended to drive down the share price of competitors, reducing the market space. It doesn't seem to have had much impact so far though, only GRB is down.
edit: Infact I can't see how this fits well for either private or commercial investors. For those looking to diversify in certain sectors it makes it difficult to classify the principal activity and goal of the company. It also creates negative press for the sector, potentially resulting in further loss of shareholder confidence. If the returns from the shed business are good in the short-medium term though it could be good for those who want to recoup some losses and sell up.
I guess I am not looking at it in a holistic way. I see a company that owns two entities. One makes beer the other sheds. As for my hop flowers I am putting together a forcast out untill may 09 and that will not provide me any gaurantee.
Ultimately I need to get this brewery up and fighting so I can kick some arse and excite the world then we can talk about my beers and leave the Gordon Gecko stuff to wall street.
Cheers and fear no beers beers
Richard from the shed.
That's the way it is Richard, it takes a while to get a brewery up and running and that is the focus of this forum. :beer:Ultimately I need to get this brewery up and fighting so I can kick some arse and excite the world then we can talk about my beers and leave the Gordon Gecko stuff to wall street.
Cheers and fear no beers beers
Richard from the shed.
Monday! Excellent. I'll keep my ear out for any loud explosions coming from south street. Good luck with the commissioning.
I dropped in to the monk again last night. The venison chorizo pizza was so spicy it made me cry.
Monday! Excellent. I'll keep my ear out for any loud explosions coming from south street. Good luck with the commissioning.
I dropped in to the monk again last night. The venison chorizo pizza was so spicy it made me cry.
Mika: "So is Richard Moroney about tonight ?"
Waitress (looking a bit sheepish) "Umm...Richard's not working here anymore...he quit earlier this week"
Mika: "Oh ?....So who's your head brewer now then"
Waitress (looking even more sheepish) "Umm...we don't actually have one at the moment"
Mika: "Oh ?!"
Waitress: Leaves quickly to bus someone else's table.
I don't think so. He would have seen the job ad as it went out to all IBD members in WA... Maybe he is!He's not heading down Margs way is he?