Mackay Thread

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Just wanted to start a thread for Mackay.

I've just started brewing and thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread for locals of the Mackay region to discuss brewing in the tropics and the strategies used for getting the best brew in this climate as a lot of information is better suited for cooler areas. Maybe you pro's can shed some light for us noobs that have trouble to even get a cup of tea to taste good.

Bottled: Tooheys draught....I know its crap but it came with my starter kit and i'll be happy if it tastes any degree better than cat's piss.

Fermenter 1: Mangrove Jack's Classic Gold with some Cascade hops (teabag type), realy looking forward to tasting this.

Fermenter 2: Coopers Real Ale (which the old lady bought me) with some Pride of Ringwood hops (teabag type), this is a lot darker and also looking forward to tasting.

Looking forward to seeing some local posts here...or anyone for that matter.

Cheers Damo.
I'm not in Mackay, I'm down in Bundy but have a few pointers for the climate.

About the bext thing you can do is get a fermenting fridge with an external thermostat. It will mean a nice stable and correct temp for the beer to ferment in.

Once you have that in place start using decent yeasts. Also a for a good beer you need to understand your malt (sweetness) to hops (bitterness) ratio for the style. So if you add 1kg LDME to a kit, you must add hops to balance it.

Thanks Kev

I've started keeping my eye open for a wine fridge, that should do the trick.
Is there a good site to order yeast from as my LHBS are hopeless and don't stock very much stuff or even brew for that matter!

Also is there any malt and hops ratio's on here?


Hi Damo

I'm just up the road in Prossie. I would reckon forget the wine fridge and aim for something with a compressor which will be able to pull down temps quicker. I picked up an upright fan-forced freezer at a local auction, I reckon there should be more stuff available in Mackay as its bigger than here.

I usually get yeast, hops and spec grain from craftbrewer, they have an add at the top of the forum and have always been happy with that. The hops are cheaper this way and much fresher than what you get at the Keg if thats where you're going.

There are a few brewers here in Mackay, not sure how often they come on though.

there's some good stuff on hop and malt balance here. If you download brewmate you will be able to see what changiong the values of the malt and hops does to your BU:GU ratio and balance value. BU:GU is the ratio between the bitterness of your hops (IBUS) and the sweetness of your malt. Its handy for working out how bitter your beer will be percieved.
Hi Damo

I'm just up the road in Prossie. I would reckon forget the wine fridge and aim for something with a compressor which will be able to pull down temps quicker. I picked up an upright fan-forced freezer at a local auction, I reckon there should be more stuff available in Mackay as its bigger than here.

I usually get yeast, hops and spec grain from craftbrewer, they have an add at the top of the forum and have always been happy with that. The hops are cheaper this way and much fresher than what you get at the Keg if thats where you're going.

There are a few brewers here in Mackay, not sure how often they come on though.


Hey Earl

Good to see someone in my region posting.

So i'm guessing you used a temp controller on your fridge? I'm sure this is a better option as its cheap to pick up and old second hand fridge. One thing that bothers me is installing the controller, i'm not much of an electronics wiz. I have had a look at the craft brewer site and looks very promising and quite affordable. I think i'll get some basics like LDM, Cascade and Amarillo hops untill e get a little more experience with the Kit recipe additions. I'll also start looking into getting some better quality yeasts as i heard the kit ones are not very good. Is there a good all rounder yeast i could use to get me started? Anything that would suite the gold lager style.
there's some good stuff on hop and malt balance here. If you download brewmate you will be able to see what changiong the values of the malt and hops does to your BU:GU ratio and balance value. BU:GU is the ratio between the bitterness of your hops (IBUS) and the sweetness of your malt. Its handy for working out how bitter your beer will be percieved.

Great ekul, this should get me on the right track to a better Malt/Hop understanding.

Hey Earl

Good to see someone in my region posting.

So i'm guessing you used a temp controller on your fridge? I'm sure this is a better option as its cheap to pick up and old second hand fridge. One thing that bothers me is installing the controller, i'm not much of an electronics wiz. I have had a look at the craft brewer site and looks very promising and quite affordable. I think i'll get some basics like LDM, Cascade and Amarillo hops untill e get a little more experience with the Kit recipe additions. I'll also start looking into getting some better quality yeasts as i heard the kit ones are not very good. Is there a good all rounder yeast i could use to get me started? Anything that would suite the gold lager style.

Yep, temp controller. I got the fridgemate from Craftbrewer and wired it myself. If you have any doubts about wiring you probably shouldn't do it. You can buy prewired from Grain and Grape. If I purchased again I would get the tempmate as it has cooling and heating output potential. You can also pick up cheap versions from Ebay, look for the STC 100 threads.

I get malt extract and kits locally due to postage but everything else online. You may have seen the thread where coopers had free postage but that is over now.

For yeast a couple of options until you get good temp control could be
- US05, while this is an ale yeast it is used for faux lagers as it is quite neutral
- s-189 swiss lager yeast, a true lager yeast but it can be used up to 18C or so.

Lagers are difficult to brew even with temp control as they have a clean profile which doesn't hide any faults. I see from some other threads that you have got some ales going, these are definitely more suited for starting. Doc smurtos golden ale is an easy drinking ale that you should give a go.
Hey Earl

Good to see someone in my region posting.

So i'm guessing you used a temp controller on your fridge? I'm sure this is a better option as its cheap to pick up and old second hand fridge. One thing that bothers me is installing the controller, i'm not much of an electronics wiz. I have had a look at the craft brewer site and looks very promising and quite affordable. I think i'll get some basics like LDM, Cascade and Amarillo hops untill e get a little more experience with the Kit recipe additions. I'll also start looking into getting some better quality yeasts as i heard the kit ones are not very good. Is there a good all rounder yeast i could use to get me started? Anything that would suite the gold lager style.
hi, good to see more mackay people on the site.
i've got 2 temp controllers i use , 1 on a brew fridge and 1 for storing kegs in a freezer @5 degrees.
if you want to see how they are put together your more than welcome.
yes, should be done by licensed lekky yada, yada, safety issue, bla bla :blink: but not hard to do.
only twenty odd bucks on evil bay and 6 bucks will buya a box to fit it. , a 3mt ext cord (good quality prefered) and a few cable ties,grommets etc.
you won't look back once you have one, good for chillin your water before you brew too.
i'm currently playing with partials, extracts, and maybe even a biab next brew.
currently only keg brews as it saves time
is anyone else doing extracts or biab ? i would be keen to compare methods as i'm only starting to venture out and have had a couple of failed attemps
i source most of my stuff from craft brewer qld and brewz2u in perth for steeping kits (2 days in express bag)
i have found pride of ringwood , halletau , and cascade or amarrilo the main hops to stock (good mix to play around with) :icon_cheers:
I'm not in Mackay, I'm down in Bundy but have a few pointers for the climate.

About the bext thing you can do is get a fermenting fridge with an external thermostat. It will mean a nice stable and correct temp for the beer to ferment in.

Once you have that in place start using decent yeasts. Also a for a good beer you need to understand your malt (sweetness) to hops (bitterness) ratio for the style. So if you add 1kg LDME to a kit, you must add hops to balance it.


A big +++++1 for a fermenting fridge .... i perserved for nearly 20 years without a fridge and am kicking myself for not getting one earlier........... get a old fridge from somewhere it is the best move you will ever make and cement your passion for beer forever...

Also, temp controlling the bottles is a good idea..... don't exposed them to temp above 24 deg C... avoid those yucky tastes

5 eyes
hi, good to see more mackay people on the site.
i've got 2 temp controllers i use , 1 on a brew fridge and 1 for storing kegs in a freezer @5 degrees.
if you want to see how they are put together your more than welcome.
yes, should be done by licensed lekky yada, yada, safety issue, bla bla :blink: but not hard to do.
only twenty odd bucks on evil bay and 6 bucks will buya a box to fit it. , a 3mt ext cord (good quality prefered) and a few cable ties,grommets etc.
you won't look back once you have one, good for chillin your water before you brew too.
i'm currently playing with partials, extracts, and maybe even a biab next brew.
currently only keg brews as it saves time
is anyone else doing extracts or biab ? i would be keen to compare methods as i'm only starting to venture out and have had a couple of failed attemps
i source most of my stuff from craft brewer qld and brewz2u in perth for steeping kits (2 days in express bag)
i have found pride of ringwood , halletau , and cascade or amarrilo the main hops to stock (good mix to play around with) :icon_cheers:

I do extracts and will soon do my first partial. The extract brews have come out great. Post or PM you method milob and I'll have a look.
Is there a good site to order yeast from as my LHBS are hopeless and don't stock very much stuff or even brew for that matter!

I'll second that, i lived in Armstrong Beach and Freshwater Point for a few years and used to use the hbs on shakespeare st if i had to, they seemed more interested in shifting bar mats and VB shirts than HB supplies, +1 for Craftbrewer at the top of the page.
I do extracts and will soon do my first partial. The extract brews have come out great. Post or PM you method milob and I'll have a look.
thanks earle,
do you have a tried and tested simple extract you can recommend?
wanna get my confidence back up before i do my first biab.
i have bought some swiss voile material and some ale grain but haven't done it yet. my pots only a 20ltr bigw special
been steeping grains for a while now but the brewing hobbie can be like a game of golf sometimes.
i now know my sg was way too low on my first attempt and needed at least 2.5kg of malt.
do you keg or bottle? my latest recipe i'll put down tomorrow is linky
what do you think?
I bottle. Can you post a bit of a step-by-step of your method on your extract recipe thread, that way it'll be more possible to see if your problem is with the recipe or how you're doing it. Perhaps do some tried and true recipes first to get your method right and build confidence, then branch out with some recipes of your own. Now you have brewmate its easier to plan your brews but I found more success in working towards particular styles that I like rather than just a bit if this and a bit of that, which I think is what you're doing in that other thread.

A couple of extract recipes that have come out great for me are below, both english ales.

Recipe: 081 Fullers London Pride
Style: English Special or Best Bitter
Steep grains in 4L 70C for 45 min, sparge with 2L 70C
Hop Boil 6L, 800g malt extract

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.038 SG
Estimated Color: 15.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 33.1 IBU

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Morgans UH Pale (7.9 EBC) Extract 88.24 %
0.20 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2Grain 5.88 %
0.10 kg Caraamber (Weyermann) (70.9 EBC) Grain 2.94 %
0.10 kg Caramalt (Joe White) (49.3 EBC) Grain 2.94 %
15.00 gm Challenger [7.50 %] (40 min) Hops 11.4 IBU
15.00 gm Target [11.00 %] (40 min) Hops 16.8 IBU
10.00 gm Northdown [8.50 %] (15 min) Hops 4.9 IBU
15.00 gm Northdown [6.90 %] (0 min) Hops -
1 Pkgs Windsor Yeast (CraftBrewer #-) Yeast-Ale

Recipe: 100 Timothy Taylor Landlord
Style: Special/Best/Premium Bitter
Steep grain in 4L water @ 70c, sparge with 2L water @ 70C
Boil ~800g malt in 6L water

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.038 SG
Estimated Color: 18.4 EBC
Estimated IBU: 33.8 IBU

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Morgans UH Pale (7.9 EBC) Extract 89.55 %
0.15 kg Caramunich I (Feb 10) (90.0 EBC) Grain 4.48 %
0.10 kg Biscuit Malt (Aug 09) (22.5 EBC) Grain 2.99 %
0.10 kg Caraaroma (Weyermann) (390.0 EBC) Grain 2.99 %
20.00 gm Target [9.00 %] (60 min) Hops 20.9 IBU
5.00 gm Goldings, East Kent (Aug 09) [4.80 %] (60Hops 2.8 IBU
30.00 gm Goldings, East Kent (Aug 09) [4.80 %] (20Hops 10.1 IBU
30.00 gm Styrian Goldings (Aug 09) [4.80 %] (0 minHops -
1 Pkgs Windsor Yeast (Aug 09) (CraftBrewer #-) Yeast-Ale
I bottle. Can you post a bit of a step-by-step of your method on your extract recipe thread, that way it'll be more possible to see if your problem is with the recipe or how you're doing it. Perhaps do some tried and true recipes first to get your method right and build confidence, then branch out with some recipes of your own. Now you have brewmate its easier to plan your brews but I found more success in working towards particular styles that I like rather than just a bit if this and a bit of that, which I think is what you're doing in that other thread.

A couple of extract recipes that have come out great for me are below, both english ales.

Recipe: 081 Fullers London Pride
Style: English Special or Best Bitter
Steep grains in 4L 70C for 45 min, sparge with 2L 70C
Hop Boil 6L, 800g malt extract

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.038 SG
Estimated Color: 15.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 33.1 IBU

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Morgans UH Pale (7.9 EBC) Extract 88.24 %
0.20 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2Grain 5.88 %
0.10 kg Caraamber (Weyermann) (70.9 EBC) Grain 2.94 %
0.10 kg Caramalt (Joe White) (49.3 EBC) Grain 2.94 %
15.00 gm Challenger [7.50 %] (40 min) Hops 11.4 IBU
15.00 gm Target [11.00 %] (40 min) Hops 16.8 IBU
10.00 gm Northdown [8.50 %] (15 min) Hops 4.9 IBU
15.00 gm Northdown [6.90 %] (0 min) Hops -
1 Pkgs Windsor Yeast (CraftBrewer #-) Yeast-Ale

Recipe: 100 Timothy Taylor Landlord
Style: Special/Best/Premium Bitter
Steep grain in 4L water @ 70c, sparge with 2L water @ 70C
Boil ~800g malt in 6L water

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.038 SG
Estimated Color: 18.4 EBC
Estimated IBU: 33.8 IBU

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Morgans UH Pale (7.9 EBC) Extract 89.55 %
0.15 kg Caramunich I (Feb 10) (90.0 EBC) Grain 4.48 %
0.10 kg Biscuit Malt (Aug 09) (22.5 EBC) Grain 2.99 %
0.10 kg Caraaroma (Weyermann) (390.0 EBC) Grain 2.99 %
20.00 gm Target [9.00 %] (60 min) Hops 20.9 IBU
5.00 gm Goldings, East Kent (Aug 09) [4.80 %] (60Hops 2.8 IBU
30.00 gm Goldings, East Kent (Aug 09) [4.80 %] (20Hops 10.1 IBU
30.00 gm Styrian Goldings (Aug 09) [4.80 %] (0 minHops -
1 Pkgs Windsor Yeast (Aug 09) (CraftBrewer #-) Yeast-Ale
my recipe method goes someting like this:
steep@65deg for 30mins 200gm light crystal in 4ltrs water
sparge with 2ltrs water
add further 4 ltrs water ,1kg ldme .
start boil
27gm por hops@ 60min
10 gm halletau @ flame out
add remainder of ldme (total 2.5kg for brew)
200gm dextrose
let cool then chuck in fermenter, add water and yeast
ferment 18deg us05 yeast 7 days , cold condition for 5 days @2 degrees.
keg& force carb leave for further 3 days before drinking.
was filtering but vinyl hoses were giving beer a foul taste.
so does this sound ok? feel free to modify. aiming at an easy drinking oz style brew.
Just wanted to start a thread for Mackay.

I've just started brewing and thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread for locals of the Mackay region to discuss brewing in the tropics and the strategies used for getting the best brew in this climate as a lot of information is better suited for cooler areas. Maybe you pro's can shed some light for us noobs that have trouble to even get a cup of tea to taste good.

Bottled: Tooheys draught....I know its crap but it came with my starter kit and i'll be happy if it tastes any degree better than cat's piss.

Fermenter 1: Mangrove Jack's Classic Gold with some Cascade hops (teabag type), realy looking forward to tasting this.

Fermenter 2: Coopers Real Ale (which the old lady bought me) with some Pride of Ringwood hops (teabag type), this is a lot darker and also looking forward to tasting.

Looking forward to seeing some local posts here...or anyone for that matter.

Cheers Damo.
hi damo if you want to greatly improve your brews try one of these steeping kits from brewz2u with a mangrove jacks blonde kit (dont know why they call it a blonde as its more like a standard lager but better than the gold).
all you need is a small stock pot or large saucepan and takes about 30 mins. i use the auusie pride kit with mj blonde and its delicious
i have found the tea bag type hops are not worth using, buy some fresh hop pellets from craftbrewer better and cheaper over a few brews and a hop sock and while you are there get a bottle of starsan for sterilizing (bottle will last a couple of years)
filtered water also improves your result look for a 1 micron carbon block filter available on evil bay.
here is a link for a temp controller.
cheers , milo
my recipe method goes someting like this:
steep@65deg for 30mins 200gm light crystal in 4ltrs water
sparge with 2ltrs water
add further 4 ltrs water ,1kg ldme .
start boil
27gm por hops@ 60min
10 gm halletau @ flame out
add remainder of ldme (total 2.5kg for brew)
200gm dextrose
let cool then chuck in fermenter, add water and yeast
ferment 18deg us05 yeast 7 days , cold condition for 5 days @2 degrees.
keg& force carb leave for further 3 days before drinking.
was filtering but vinyl hoses were giving beer a foul taste.
so does this sound ok? feel free to modify. aiming at an easy drinking oz style brew.
Brewing method sounds find, I assume you get rid of the grain after the sparge and don't boil it.

With a 10L boil your recipe in Beersmith gives me an IBU of 22 and an est alc% of 3.35. Once you taste it you'll know whether there is enough bitterness and can adjust subsequent brews to suit.

I usually ferment a bit longer than you. To my thinking 7 days is a bit short for the yeast to clean up after itself. I usually leave ales for 3 weeks at 18deg and don't CC them. This usually resluts in quite clear brews as well. I suggest you leave for at least 14days at 18deg if you can.

I don't filter but I think silicon hoses are the go.

In terms of style you have low bitterness, mid strength. Hallertau is used in some aussie megaswill premiums like Hahn so I think you're fine there.
Brewing method sounds find, I assume you get rid of the grain after the sparge and don't boil it.

With a 10L boil your recipe in Beersmith gives me an IBU of 22 and an est alc% of 3.35. Once you taste it you'll know whether there is enough bitterness and can adjust subsequent brews to suit.

I usually ferment a bit longer than you. To my thinking 7 days is a bit short for the yeast to clean up after itself. I usually leave ales for 3 weeks at 18deg and don't CC them. This usually resluts in quite clear brews as well. I suggest you leave for at least 14days at 18deg if you can.

I don't filter but I think silicon hoses are the go.

In terms of style you have low bitterness, mid strength. Hallertau is used in some aussie megaswill premiums like Hahn so I think you're fine there.
brewmate is telling me the ibu is similar but aa is around 4.2?
maybe i stuffed it up might chuck another 5grm in and wack in another 100grm dex?
Righto. just lost a big post - so this time, short and sweet.

Climate -

  • as keen as you are, hold off pitching! wait until wort is at most 22degC - if using Morgans Kits and yeast. to get the temp down for pitching, use ice and chilled water to get to 23L. if you have a bar fridge, put the fermenter in there for an hour or so. or go straight to bathtub with servo ice chilled water to rapidly drop the temp for pitching.
  • If you cant afford temprite & fridge or winecooler - Brew in Bath or Laundry sink, rotate ice bottles/blocks and leave themometer in bath to check temp. rotate bottles daily if you can.
A good recipe - by _WALLACE_ that I follow is:

Morgans Blue Mountain Lager - 15 bucks from LHBS
Coopers BE2 - 6 bucks Woolies at Mt Pleasant
2 x Hallertau Hop Bags - 4.50 LHBS

I boil half the BE2 with 500ml water. add one hop bag for 10 mins. then second for 5 mins.
Meanwhile mixing the remaining BE2 with the can and 1l boiling water (takes WAY to long to cool if you use more).
Add some chilled water then the boiled mixture
then keep stirring and fill with ice and chilled water to 23L.
check the temp - do one of the above chill methods, and pitch at 18degC (if you can)
Add your flock (finings) after 4-5days or when gravity is 1005-1010, then keg or rack after two days or when you're happy with the lack bubbling.

When I was brewin in the bathtub with servo ice and my own ice blocks the quickest I could get the temp down was 10minutes.
sometimes I pitched at 21degC and it still tasted good in the Keg.

my next brew will be BIAB in two weeks time.

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