Lwenbru Steins

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Recently Came back from a trip to Sydney with my Father-In-Law.
Whilst there, we went to Manly Beach and visited the Bavarian Bier Cafe to knock back a couple of half litres of Lwenbru and a few shots of schnapps (the F-I-L is German)

I mentioned that a couple of the 500ml Steins would be good to have at home from the HB.
I asked the Barman if they sold them, and he said no.

SO, I was wondering if any NSW'ers out there have a couple of the Lwenbru 500ml Steins they wouldn't mind offloading to me for a fee?
The F-I-L would be stoked to have his own Lwenbru Stein

Cheers Lads
Well I have 2 porcilian steins, you know the ones with the silver lids, that I got in my youth fdirect rom the Lwenbru brewery in Munich when I was backpacking. Somehow they survived? :lol:
Don't know how much they are worth? Anyway PM if your interested?
If my memory serves me correctly they serve it at the Coopers Ale House in the 500ml Glass Steins (well they use to last time I was there many years ago)... maybe its worth a visit to check out and ask a similar Q to the barmen there?
My cousin has quite a few litre glasses from there. Clearly he missed out in the package department.
Well I have 2 porcilian steins, you know the ones with the silver lids, that I got in my youth fdirect rom the Lwenbru brewery in Munich when I was backpacking. Somehow they survived? :lol:
Don't know how much they are worth? Anyway PM if your interested?

Cheers Chappo,

You sure you want to part with them? they sound like they might be worth hanging on to mate.

Kinda want them to be for use more than an ornament, those sound like something that'll go "straight to the pool room"

But thanks mate
If my memory serves me correctly they serve it at the Coopers Ale House in the 500ml Glass Steins (well they use to last time I was there many years ago)... maybe its worth a visit to check out and ask a similar Q to the barmen there?

Yeah, thats pretty much just down the road from work. I was in there about 2 months ago for one of their MASSIVE $20 schnittys.
Dont remember any Steins, but thats a good enough excuse for me to head back there :D
My cousin has quite a few litre glasses from there. Clearly he missed out in the package department.

Yup, i hear ya.

The F-I-L, as great a man he is, would of frowned upon me shuffling a couple into the backpack on the way out.
So yeah, didn't go down that path
Beerfingers, ask the FIL if he want's a Halba or a Maas, then do a search on eBay, have scored a few this way.

If you can't find a forum member willing to sell you one, you could try


or ebay, they pop up form time to time

or try the bar directly, I am sure they sell glasses to the public (Slightly different to the Bavarian)

Good Luck

I have been to Germany a couple of times but never got a Lowenbrau stein (Closed the day i went - went to Augustiner instead). I actually rang Lowenbrau Sydney and got them to mail me two 1lt steins to FNQ. Cannot remember the cost but it was very reasonable at the time.
Beerfingers, ask the FIL if he want's a Halba or a Maas, then do a search on eBay, have scored a few this way.


Postage from Deutschland is horrific. Cost me 50 euro to send a box of beer glasses and bottles home last year. Hofbrau Melbourne is another for glasses. I have eaten there and got a couple of 0.5lt steins.
I rang the Lowenbrau today in prep for a bit of Oktoberfesting...

If you go to the one in the Rocks they will sell you a 1L stein marked "Lowenbrau" for $16.50 each or a 500mL one for $12.50.

I asked whether they sell the other types like Franziskaner etc and she said probably not but ask down at the bar and they may be able to do them

Also if you book in for Fathers day and order a beer + meal then you get a free 1L stein ( http://www.lowenbrau.com.au/e_fathersday_09.htm ) - not sure if the other "jugs" come free :icon_cheers:

There is also this site that has quite a bit, like Hofbrauhaus steins that are a bit cheaper than a flight to Munchen ;)


No affiliation of course to anything there just thought i'd share
Just checked the needglasses site:

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I have a couple of 1L steins, found them in a St Vinnies store a while back......

I find some level of irony that what is clearly stolen glassware somehow got donated to St Vinnies.....