Low Fg Reading

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Ringwood, Melbourne
So firstly I should admit that I didnt take notes.. shame on me as there were a few first time processes going on... :unsure: ... mistakes were probably made as well, if I could remember, more due to me being half to 3/4 cut at the time and continuing drinking for the epic 8 hour event that this turned into..

I decided it was time to put all the things together, both practiced method and much read theory...

After a 'few after work drinks' Friday 2 weeks ago I returned to the brewery (and attached house) and wanted to bottle a stock filler.. no drama.. clean and sanitise all equipment and prep everything including all I needed to re-use yeast and brew a new one in the same night.. botteling and rinsing yeast went well... it's about there that it gets a bit foggy...

from memory, by the time I was ready to get all my bits together and add a bit of grain I ended up grabbing most of the contents of the brew cupboard.. leftovers and bits and pieces.. I remember being astonished at the end of the brew to discover all I had left was about 150g of dex (suspiciously) and 200g of ldme leftover in the entire cupboard.. it ended up.. er I dunno... something like this... maybe.. wont be held to it..

500g Pilsner Malt
200g Wheat malt
250-300g Light crystal
200g Carapils
450-500g ldme
650-700g dex

10g por @ 45
15g cascade @ 10
10g cascade@ 0
dry hopped 25-30 g blend Cascade/Chinook (@ 7 days)
I remember being almost happy with temps too at the time.. for some reason I wasnt the next day.. that is also quite foggy
I also overshot my desired 24lt to 25lt <_<

anywhoo, I can remember taking the OG and being a little surprised that it was over what I was expecting.. cough.. not having done any sort of calc's though I shouldnt be.. cough.. didnt write it down either..

The thing took off like a scalded cat and was finished in a week, it was the second reading I took and it was at 1010.. grouse I think to myself, surprised but overjoyed at the result, best dry hop and let rest for a week..

stuff me rotten, I check it today, ready to CC the thing and it's at 1004 :blink: I even checked it against a spare hydrometer.. yup.. true nuf..

so whats the verdict.. (flame suit up) it wasnt that I "wanted to throw everything" I had into a brew, it's just the way it ended up happening..

anyway it tasted laughably nice from the reading sample today so.... question is I guess what has made this thing finish so bloody low and what is the result of such a low finisher? something quite dry and watery I guess but it was reasonably floral from the taster today and Im looking forward to having it come through in a month or 2..

phark me though it turned into an epic saga, 6-8 hour trip @ the brain.. lesson learned was not on a friday night afta work drinks


just a thought, you had a really good brew efficiency, and its a high alc beer giving a low fg. was it the can yeast?
ok is the wheat and pilsen extract of grain? If its grain I would say you mashed lower then expected the 500g crystal wouldnt matter to much. and with 700g dex thats alot. I done a partial OG was like 1062 and it finished at 1010 but I had about 700g dex in it it wasnt a bad beer and to be honest it wasnt that strong (to the brain) then I expected for a 6.8% or so beer a full allgrain 5.2% I got more pissed off then that so to the alc content I think dex makes it drop but without a way to test the true % I dont think per point it gives as much as grain if that makes sense
If its grain I would say you mashed lower then expected the 300g crystal wouldnt matter to much. and with 700g dex thats alot.

Grains yes for all, strike I was happy with but it did come out a bit low (but only a few 'c).. from memory.. and yes I agree I may have spilled a bit when tipping the dex in :unsure: in my defence my vision wasnt the best at the time

it's the 1004 that has me bent... damn thats low.. ive never had one below about 1008 before and dont know what to expect from such a spastic cocnoction to be honest..

lol.. it was fun though
Yeah prob the dex I wouldnt worry it will be nice mine was good a little on the hot alc end but after a week in the keg it was better. But as I said had a night on that and a night on full AG I got more pissed on AG then that although you dont feel pissed then BAM! it hits you at once lol I wouldnt stress I never write things down am just lucky I dont brew pissed and seem to meet calculated gravities to a point yeast and temp depending. I seem to ferment out more but lately with cooler weather and no heating its been nottingham all the way and it attenuates really well
if it does turn out to be a corker I still spit as I dont have the recipe... as such.. vague recollections.. something something.. :icon_drunk:
I wish i could stop myself from drinking beer, whilst making beer.... But meh... Ive had some rippers that ive tried to reproduce sober to no avail :(

But its more fun that way :-D
You didn't chuck a sachet of dry enzyme in whilst in your stupor?
What temp did you take it hydro readings at?
You didn't chuck a sachet of dry enzyme in whilst in your stupor?

lol.. no I dont/didnt have any on hand and in fact have never used them

What temp did you take it hydro readings at?

bout 18.5-19'c.. at those temps the reading should be about right from THIS site very little difference

Im not concerned as it tastes quite good (from the hydrometer reading), I would just like to know the why of it.. excess simple sugars is where my guess is headed

[edit] clarification and photos

1.JPG reading as at 5 min ago (1.004)

2.JPG reading in 20'c water (1.000)

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