Low Carb, 5%

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Hi All.

I am new to brewing but a very experienced connoisseur of the ale.
I would like to know if it is possible to brew a low carb beer with an alc/vol content of 5% or more?
I like the flavor of Super Dry's (if this is possible at the same time)?



Super Dry is not an ale.
You could try one of the low carb kits available at most HB stores ?
Doubt they will be much good, try the search function
Welcome to the world of homebrewing.

Visit your local homebrew shop, most of them sell kits that include an enzyme that makes a "dry" beer. It also reduces the flavour and increases the alcohol content. It also reduces the carb content of the beer.
Hi All.

I am new to brewing but a very experienced connoisseur of the ale.
I would like to know if it is possible to brew a low carb beer with an alc/vol content of 5% or more?
I like the flavor of Super Dry's (if this is possible at the same time)?


Uh-Oh...you just picked a scab ;)

Low carb is a gimmick and really, doesn't mean anything, as soon as you shove a handful of those cheese and Onion Samboys into your gob, you may as well be drinking the proper stuff. Seriously, the difference is negligible.

What you are looking for is Dry Enzyme.

there are plenty of threads here about it, have a search for it.
Plenty of reading.

Personally my opinion, the Dry enzyme drops the guts out of your beer and makes it taste like it was made in a soda-stream. Give it a miss, unless your into that kinda thing.

Welcome to the Forum, hang around and do some reading, you will learn HEAPS!
Also read this:

And as the great Chappo says:
The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked


find a tin of your most premium 'czech/bohemian pilsner' and a packet of saaz hops at your LHBS. boil the hops in a few tablespoons of the goo with 2 L of water for 5mins.

dump it into your fermenter and topup with water to your standard 23L with 1kg of DME and 500g of dextrose. Pitch some US05 yeast at 20 deg and a pack of DRY enzyme (this will make it low carb and no i dont know when to pitch it as ive never used it, its either with the yeast or after fermetnion ceases.)

ferment out, bottle and enjoy your 'ale for connoisseurs' :D


Super Dry is not an ale.

Welcome to the forums. Ignore the post like above. Most of the this forum, like other forums, is full of good comments and suggestions. Every forum has the self proclaimed funny bunny and know it alls that get their own wierd perverted ***** and giggles from being the first to reply with a incredibly uneducated and rambling reply. We present you with Adamt.

On a brighter note - if you want low carb just add 500 grms of malt to a kit and ferment with US05 yeast. Want a great low tasting carb ( or % ) beer, steep grains, add malt and hops.

All above comments are fantastic. Use the search function for 'low carb' or check out the stickies and wikis here. The benifits of low carb are really in favour of ******** marketing. It's almost to the point where if you have a low carb beer and smell a potatoe chip the benifits of the low carb beer is lost.

Experiment - that is what this beer making thing is all about!
Welcome to the forums. Ignore the post like above. Most of the this forum, like other forums, is full of good comments and suggestions. Every forum has the self proclaimed funny bunny and know it alls that get their own wierd perverted ***** and giggles from being the first to reply with a incredibly uneducated and rambling reply. We present you with Adamt.

On a brighter note - if you want low carb just add 500 grms of malt to a kit and ferment with US05 yeast. Want a great low tasting carb ( or % ) beer, steep grains, add malt and hops.

All above comments are fantastic. Use the search function for 'low carb' or check out the stickies and wikis here. The benifits of low carb are really in favour of ******** marketing. It's almost to the point where if you have a low carb beer and smell a potatoe chip the benifits of the low carb beer is lost.

Experiment - that is what this beer making thing is all about!

Adam has a point

Superdry IS NOT AN ALE
Welcome to the forums. Ignore the post like above. Most of the this forum, like other forums, is full of good comments and suggestions. Every forum has the self proclaimed funny bunny and know it alls that get their own wierd perverted ***** and giggles from being the first to reply with a incredibly uneducated and rambling reply. We present you with Adamt.

On a brighter note - if you want low carb just add 500 grms of malt to a kit and ferment with US05 yeast. Want a great low tasting carb ( or % ) beer, steep grains, add malt and hops.

All above comments are fantastic. Use the search function for 'low carb' or check out the stickies and wikis here. The benifits of low carb are really in favour of ******** marketing. It's almost to the point where if you have a low carb beer and smell a potatoe chip the benifits of the low carb beer is lost.

Experiment - that is what this beer making thing is all about!



You are way off track...you really are...

You just said my post was incredibly uneducated and rambling, and followed it up by saying my comment (along with the others) were fantastic! I'm not sure whether to be insulted or pleased.

The OP is a self confessed very experienced ALE connoisseur, wants a low-carb beer (surely a connoisseur would know a good portion the flavour profile of many ales is carbohydrates), higher alcohol beer and likes the taste of Super Dry (a lager).

From someone that has been reading these forums for a couple of years more than your good self, this is your classic "new brewer" that really needs to well, read and learn. The intent of my first post was the put the poster in his/her place.

Edit: Oh yes.. what about my post makes it uneducated? It's 100% truth. Yours on the other hand, is not. Adding malt and specialty grains (without a dry enzyme) is only going to boost carbohydrate content in the final product.
Adam has a point

Superdry IS NOT AN ALE

Yeah, I reckon the OP meant he drinks a bit of beer and his reference to "the ale" was meant to reflect that, rather than the beer type.
That being said, If a wine connoisseur said he wanted to make a Goon-Bag clone, I would probably spray as well.

But, hey, who gives a ****....

Shutup and Brew!

Hey Scratch, welcome to the forum.

Have a look at The Country Brewer website.
They've got a new Low Carb range, that got a great flaming here the last couple of weeks.
Try one out for the team and post your results. We'll be keen to hear.
Good luck.
Scratch, I'm a new brewer too. Just wanted to say a couple things. The people above are arguing around you, not with you. All are adding some good info in one way or another. Read everything on this board - even the sh.t-talking can be informative. Take a grain of salt and pick and choose the advice that seems helpful to you. This board is pretty great. Stick with it and, more importantly, brewing. Good luck!
+ 1 mark
Original poster still hasnt replied , probably scared him off.

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