Looking To Make A Different Dark Ale

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Hmmmm. I reckon i used JW choc but i picked up some bairds choc from Wayne last week. Not used it before and keen to see how it goes. Less roasty would be good.
Okay so I guess JW or Baird Pale are good. Thanks for the help guys.
Just a small bump how much smoked malt should or could I add? Going be search 100g should be enough.
depends on much smokyness your after. a strong scottish ale would call for 300g. I recon 100g will be fine.
So the recipe is now as follows:
1 x Coopers Dark Ale
1kg x LDME
200g Medium Crystal (or something similar) malt [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
100g Pale Chocolate [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
100g Smoked Malt [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
20g Fuggles @ 30
10g Fuggles @ 5
So the recipe is now as follows:
1 x Coopers Dark Ale
1kg x LDME
200g Medium Crystal (or something similar) malt [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
100g Pale Chocolate [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
100g Smoked Malt [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
20g Fuggles @ 30
10g Fuggles @ 5
hmm that looks good...might give me a burl at that as well...may i ask any reason in particular you bailed on the wheat malt...just curious is all...can you please let us know what it turns out like ...
thanks simpletotoro
hmm that looks good...might give me a burl at that as well...may i ask any reason in particular you bailed on the wheat malt...just curious is all...can you please let us know what it turns out like ...
thanks simpletotoro
Actually I realised I had to mash the smoked malt (unless it can work steeped or there's an easy way to mash) so that cuts that out. About the wheat malt:- I'm still quite new so I'm not quite sure why people have added it.
Actually I realised I had to mash the smoked malt (unless it can work steeped or there's an easy way to mash) so that cuts that out. About the wheat malt:- I'm still quite new so I'm not quite sure why people have added it.
...i've never used smoked malt...but have mashed other grains ...i'm no expert mind you...but it dead easy and cannot see any reason why the smoked malt would be any different...take and preheat a thermos flask (since your only looking at 100g you'd use an esky if it was in the kilos[don't ask me if 100g smoked malt is enough i'll ask the man at MLHS if you like]) ......to mash use around 300 ml of water (for 100g) and raise to 66/c and put it in the thermos for an hour ...strain add to your boil of crystal etc... and maybe be ok... others here with more idea on this malt then i please contradict my advice

on the wheat malt...would use say 300 g or so just to tart her up a bit...personal prefernce really...like i said probably not to style ...i'd also use say 150g carapils to give the beer a nice head retention...otheres will disagree but thats what i'd do...

good recipe you came up with there ...i'm definitly going to give it a burl will probably exchange the LDM with grains and mash and do a partial though...since you said the smoked malt needs to be mashed ...may as well since its no extra effort

recipe below..and since it's your recipe i'll name the brew after you ...

1.7kg coopers dark ale...
600 g wheat malt (mash 66/c)
1500 g ale malt (66/c mash) [dunno which one i'll ask LHBS ]
100g Smoked Malt (66/c mash) [i'll also ask him about quantity of this as i know jack about it]

200g Medium Crystal (or something similar) malt [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
100g Pale Chocolate [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]
150 g Carapils [steeped for 1/2 hour at 70-80/c then boiled]

20g Fuggles @ 20
10 g willamette @ 20
10g willamette @ 5
10g Fuggles @ 5

Good name ;)

Thanks for the advice I didn't realise mashing was that easy now I can actually do it. 100g going by the advice I think will give a smoked 'background'.
Good name ;)

Thanks for the advice I didn't realise mashing was that easy now I can actually do it. 100g going by the advice I think will give a smoked 'background'.
well theres not much to it ...but if your want to know more read the airlocked threads in the all grain
section as theres a little more to it if your doing a larger mash ...spargeing etc...brew in a bag partials is how i started ...still do it..i'm no expert as i've only done a handful of all grain recipe so far...its fun though
...and as for steepeing speciality grains maybe ignore the temps i put down as i've just had some late mail on the situtation ....read this link for more

...where ya from anyway ...?

cheers simpletotoro
Fair bit away- Melbourne. After going some K & K's I'll start BIAB since you seem really limited by the amount of malt extracts and steeped grain. Though I'm fair way from that stage yet.

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