It's got the numbers but no specifics on that link mate.
I think you can't go wrong with:
German pils malt (maybee a little carapills)
Czech and Noble German hops.
It's sound's like they have thier own strain but you could use czech, german or swiss.
This bit is interesting:
"Finish: Trumer Pils finish is its true signature. It is crisp, clean and well rounded while leaving a very soft bitter finish on the back of the palate. Although traditionally hopped, Trumer Pils has a delicate hop bite that won't linger or leave an astringent aftertaste like many European pilsners. This is achieved through an additional step taken by the Trumer Brauerei that removes the malt husk prior to brewing."
Unlike many aussie beers that remove the malt prior to brewing....
- Luke