Look up please, 'A Century of British Brewing'

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If anyone out there has a copy of A Century of British Brewers - 1890 to 2012 (Brewing History Society, 1994) on their book shlef could you please do a look up for me.

On Google Books (snippet view only) I see there is an entry for the brewer H. J. Buckmaster on page 80. Would really like to know what it says about him.

DU99 said:
Thanks DU99. They are easily mistaken for each other, and annoyingly it seems that many professional historians have done just that (strip them of their stipends, I say!).

Buck's Club was established by Capt. Herbert James Buckmaster as a boozer for his mates from the Coldstream Guards. He was married several times, including to a contemporary stage goddess, and once after a night on the piss walked from London to Brighton for a bet.

The one I'm looking for is Henry James Buckmaster. Back in the 1880s and until the late 1900s men were commonly refererenced in documents by their initials, so its easy to get confused when both are refered to as 'H. J. Buckmaster'. (they may have a common ancester several generations back.)

(Incidentally, Henry James Buckmaster the brewer was the older brother father of Col. Maurice James Buckmaster, who headed 'F' section of Special Operations Executive in WW2 (in charge of sending saboteurs and assasins into France by parachute). Maurice later appeared in person playing himself in the 1950 movie Odette which profiled the exploits of one of his agents. And Odette and other female agents were the character basis for "Michelle of the Resistance" in the series Allo, 'Allo.)


EDIT: corrected brother to father.
The book is available as an ebook on usenet. If you are just looking up one thing, I believe that would qualify as "fair use" under copyright law.
Lyrebird_Cycles said:
The book is available as an ebook on usenet. If you are just looking up one thing, I believe that would qualify as "fair use" under copyright law.
Thanks LC. Do you have a link to that?
The English aren't too bad but try and track down the Welsh it's diabolical. The son just took the first name of the father as the surname. E.g. Williams son Richard was Richard ap William. Richards son David was David ap Richards.. Davids son Evan was Evan ap David... and so on.. Very tricky to trace.
Lyrebird_Cycles said:
You have mail.

I didn't post the link because I can't vouchsafe for it.
Not sure how that works. Nothing happens when I click it. Thanks anyway.
Feldon said:
Not sure how that works. Nothing happens when I click it. Thanks anyway.
Might want to scan your PC for virus when you get a minute. In the meantime stick a bit of tape over your camera, we’re all getting pic’s of you in our PM inbox. :lol: